3.8509393<p><span style="color: rgb(43, 13, 97);">Nicorette® Nasal Spray is a form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). NRT provides your body with low levels of nicotine, without the toxic chemicals found in cigarettes.</span></p>
Nicorette Nasal Spray
3.8 from
Nicorette Nasal Spray
Nicorette® Nasal Spray is a form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). NRT provides your body with low levels of nicotine, without the toxic chemicals found in cigarettes.
Nicorette® Nasal Spray is a form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). NRT provides your body with low levels of nicotine, without the toxic chemicals found in cigarettes.
Product tastes unpleasant and "thin". Does not stave off cravings and leaves me thinking you may need to use a couple pieces for it to have any effect. I will not be purchasing again.
I think this is a good idea
But unfortunately I'm allergic to mint but I gave it to my friend and she said that it has helped her a lot
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Home Tester
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Home Tester
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Decent if you want to quit
These have been about for a while now but newer versions have came onto the market and yes they are designed to help you cut down and quit , it did make me cut down a little
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Home Tester Ace
36 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
36 Reviews
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Worked for cravings
Worked really well did cause a little irritation of the nose but overall worked really well once I used to use for the first week.
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Home Tester
35 Reviews
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Nicorette nasal spray
I do not like it too much. My nose was itchy after applying this Nicorette nasal spray and made me sneezing
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Paul(Ellesmere Port)
Home Tester
19 Reviews
Paul(Ellesmere Port)
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19 Reviews
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Nasal spray
Not for my liking its weird feeling when spray in to nose and make cough no recommendations
I had high hopes about this product, as I’ve previously tried nicotine gum, lozenges and sprays, all of which gave me horrific heartburn. Well, it turns out that inhaling it like this isn’t much better - I didn’t get heartburn, but my word, it made me cough, sneeze and splutter like nobodies business!
I had read the product info leaflet carefully prior to trying it, and used it correctly, and I even persevered as the leaflet said it might make me sneeze/cough etc for the first few times using it, but having used it for a full week, I’m sad to say it was just as unpleasant on day 7 as it was the very first dose.
This might work for some people, but it didn’t make me less inclined to smoke cigarettes, and just made me feel icky - back to trying willpower alone to cut down/quit!
Wanted to stop smoking for some time now and long with other products by nicorette I have achieved my goal so thanks
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Home Tester
96 Reviews
Home Tester
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I prefer this over pastiles, but at the same time, it can be unpleasant for someone who has sensitive nose, because it does sting a little bit. Overall does the job, helps with cravings and makes healthier option for journey of quiting cigarettes.
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Home Tester
52 Reviews
Home Tester
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Excellent for those who want to quit smoking I will buy those again I can highly recommend
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Home Tester Ace
336 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
336 Reviews
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Nicolette nasal spray
NICORETTE QuickMist Mouthspray in Fresh Mint has been a game-changer for me! Its fast-acting formula provides relief from cravings in just 30 seconds, which is incredible. It made managing my cravings so much easier, and I’ve already recommended it to friends and family. The added bonus is knowing that you’re 2.5 times more likely to quit smoking with this compared to relying on willpower alone. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an effective way to quit smoking!
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Home Tester Ace
141 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
141 Reviews
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I am used to using nasal sprays so this would be my first choice. I can just spray and forget about it. I can also carry this in my hand bag and apply easily by myself. It is not offensive and generally ok to use.
The inhalator works well to battle cravings - I find myself going much longer without a cigarette when using it. The flavour isn’t too bad either. Feels higher quality and lasts reasonably long. It is rather expensive though.
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Helen (Oldbury)
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Colin (Ardrossan)
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Daniel (Whickham)
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Paul (Ellesmere Port)
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Vivian (Musselburgh)
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Ethan (Scunthorpe)
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Vytaute (Northampton)
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Sylwia (Portsmouth)
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Kerry (Coventry)
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Joanne (Stevenage)
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