Bubble Wow Glove A Bubbles Unicorn

4.6 5 0 31 31 Creating billions of bubbles has never been easier! The new Glove A Bubbles comes with 1x 150ml pouch of bubble solution and a cute, on-trend character in an easy-to-use gloved design. This adorable new Unicorn toy is perfect for the pre-school age group to enjoy outdoor fun with the whole family and unleash their curiosity in an easy and fast to use product.
Bubble Wow Glove A Bubbles Unicorn


Lots of FUN
This was such a blast and without the mess. It produces lots of bubbles. There was so much laughter when she played with it, she thought it was the greatest thing. I would definitely recommend this for your summer fun.
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Super cute!
My daughter was so excited! The glove is so pretty and colorful! Super easy to use!
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Fun with bubbles
My daughter loved her unicorn bubble glove! Was a little hard for her to dip with out spilling some and the glove did keep falling off her hand. Maybe if it had a stretchy thing on the end. Other then that, my daughter loved having the bubbles blow in the wind.
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Unique Bubbler!
Our kiddo loved this product at first sight, recognizing it as a unique twist on an old favorite. I hesitated to give it a 5 star review because I don't know what it would cost in the store and I anticipate it's going to be more expensive than we would find it to be worth considering it's not super re-usable.
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Unicorn Love
Unicorn love for my little one! She is into all unicorn stuff so this is really perfect for her. Good for playing at your backyard and creates a good amount of bubbles. My little one just loves it!
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Kids fun with bubbles
These unicorn bubbles glove are very impressive. My kids really enjoyed playing with these bubbles they're so much fun just dip wave & play... it's very easy to make but so much enjoyment to see your kids having so much fun with they friends.
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Bubble Wow Glove A Bubbles Unicorn
Bubble Wow Glove A Bubbles Unicorn is a great toy my granddaughter loves this all children will love this product I highly recommend this to anybody that want get a gift for any kid
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Great fun!
My daughter had so much fun with this! I recommend it very highly for young ones. This will be something we add to her next birthday party as a fun activity for the kiddos to do.
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Fun & easy for kids!
This product is awesome bc it’s simple enough for a 6 year old to understand and can play with it and use it by herself if she wanted too. Not complex and very fun! Lots of bubbles!
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My daughter liked it but only last few uses
I received this complementary from Bubble buy glove a bluuble from hometesterclub and Glove A bubble to try for my daughter she liked it because the design is rely attractive i can say buf it won't last loner because its s plastic thin sheet i guess if i need to buy i won't buy it for more than $3 other thsn that she enjoyed a little
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My daughter would say it's a 5.
My 4 year old was super excited that it combined two of her favorite things, unicorns and bubbles. I found it difficult for her to actually dip the glove in the bubbles, which resulted in her dumping half of the solution, but overall a cute product, that made large bubbles
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OK but not great
interesting idea super creative but maybe not well thought out. the bag that you put the bubble solution in is flimsy and slightly smaller than the unicorn glove making it a slightly messier and more difficult the glove its self was good at producing nice fun bubbles consistently and easily which was very fun for them it was just the issue of dipping it in the bag for more solution which was a hassle unfortunately more hassle than fun
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Fun bubble toy for the kids! My daughter loves these, they are really cheap and fun while they last! Super unique bubble toy from anything I've ever seen! 10/10!
Easter fun
I got these and put in kids Easter baskets. They had a lot of fun product was easy to use and worked well.
My kids love these gloves of bubbles. They are easy to use and clean up. It'd fun making so many bubbles. I would recommend this product.

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