Nicorette Quickmist SmartTrack Freshmint

4.1 5 0 82 82 Nicorette® QuickMist SmartTrack™ lets you personalise your quit journey with a tap and leverages Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to connect to a personal support app.
Nicorette Quickmist SmartTrack Freshmint


Helps cut craving
Helps cut cravings and in public areas where people are vaping or smoking recommended it to friends who now use it and say it helps them with having cravings. It's a must buy for people wanting to quit
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It was okish
Nothing special, not my type of product taste wasn't that nice
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Really Helpful and good value
I have tested this to try and cut down on vaping. Its easy to use, tastes fine and does appear to give a nicotine hit, help with cravings, onwards and upwards with this. Nice, handy size to slip in your pocket/bag too.
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Tastes really fresh
My overall opinion on this is that it definitely does take the cravings for smoking away!! There is absolutely no doubt about that!! The taste is lovely and very refreshing but I did find my throat was a little tickle afterwards and I was sneezing a little. The product leaflet did mention some side effects but I was fortunate mine were minor and it certainly wouldn’t put my off continuing with it!! I would certainly recommend it as it does stop the cravings for a significant period of time!!
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very helpful
I was surprised how tangy this was on the tongue but that soon passes. I don't know how this was designed chemically but after 2 to 3 sprays it utterly rids me of any cravings. This begins roughly 2 to 3 minutes after use and continues for 2 to 3 hours (in my experience anyway - you may need more or less for the same effect) I feel completely satisfied and have been able to cut down the amount of sprays successfully. I can't recommend The QuickMist SmartTrack Model enough !
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Nicorette quick mist spray
Overall this product is really good. It’s incredibly simple to use and the app to track your usage is great because it allows you to see your progress when ch helps from a mental standpoint. The liquid does help to curb the cravings, so it is effective which is the main thing, but I found the flavour quite strong for me. Not helpful when the instructions say not to swallow for a few seconds as all I found it did was make me salivate, hence I can only give it 4 stars.
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It's helps!
Ant product that will help me give up or reduce smoking I'm happy to try. I wasn't sure if this would actually help but I have found it does. It's easy to use and I found it does help with cravings which is great!
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Couldn’t get used to the taste
I found the taste too strong and intense so could not complete the trial and had to revert to gum
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Quick mist
This spray tastes no good i didnt like it. But his does work. Few sprays per day can help you with switching from smoke to mist. You will start no thinking about smoke for a while.
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A helpful aid for quitting smoking
I'm always open for ways to help me give up cigarettes and was thrilled to try this spray which is accompanied by an app which is personalised to track my usage. 1 or 2 sprays is the equivalent of the amount of nicotine from 1 cigarette and within a few minutes cravings disappear although willpower is also required. I found that after spraying I was still experiencing nicotine cravings but they were far less intense. The app helps a lot as it enables me to track my progress.
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Tasted amazing
Thankyou for letting me trail this product iv been a smoker for over 29 years and finally a product that works . The mint flavour tastes lovely
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This is a great product. It’s my first time trying one like this and I’m glad I did. I found it effective and does exactly what it says it would. I would recommend to family and friends
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I will keep using them. They are fresh and definitely they are reducing my needs for nicotine.
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My new favourite!!!
This product is great for quitting cigarettes however it is probably more addictive than the cigarettes themselves, better these than cigarettes though. You will find you won’t use it much at first but when you do get used to the taste you will use them much more and be able to leave cigarettes behind for good. If your serious about quitting I would recommend these over anything else.
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Very handy spray
I liked this as it was convenient to use at a moments notice but also because it comes with the app you can monitor your usage and plan with reducing my smoking and manage my cravings.
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