KF9050BK Braun MultiServe Coffee Maker

4.6 5 0 82 82 MultiServe Drip Coffee Maker with sleek design offers a complete quality drip coffee experience with 7 convenient beverage sizes, from pod-free single serve to a full 10-cups, complete with over ice & SCA-certified Golden Cup brew options.
KF9050BK Braun MultiServe Coffee Maker


It's everything plus the kitchen sink
I never thought I needed one until I got one, this coffee maker is something you purchase if you never want to have to buy a coffee maker again. It has so many features, even a month later I'm still trying to figure them all out! Oh, and it brews a great pot of regular old coffee too!
Mom loves it
Purchased for my senior mother. She loves it. Brews a small amount for herself or a whole pot for guests. If guests come and someone wants decaf she can advocate. I mean who wants decaf but still... an option
Delicious Cup of Coffee
The KF9050BK Braun MultiServe Coffee Maker is an exceptional product that has completely transformed my morning coffee routine. The machine's customizable settings allow me to choose the strength, temperature, and brew size of my coffee, and the quick-brew technology ensures that I can enjoy a hot cup of coffee in just minutes. The machine is also easy to use and clean, which is a plus. Additionally, the sleek design looks great on my kitchen counter. Overall, I would highly recommend the KF9050BK Braun MultiServe Coffee Maker to anyone looking for a high-quality and customizable coffee maker that delivers a delicious cup of coffee every time.
Great for a big household
If you have a house full of coffee lovers, then this product is for you! Due to the big coffee pot, this machine allows you to make multiple cups of coffee which, in my opinion is fantastic! the machine also has a lot of settings to suit your coffee needs! I would highly recommend
Convenience trumps quality
I was sold on the fact that it can brew different sized cups. We have it at our work and we all drink a lotttt of coffee. We ordered the world's strongest and have a bunch of very good high quality coffee but it does not get used that much. It was exciting for a couple days but everyone went back to the kureg even though it was cheap timmies coffee. I think we learnt that convenience trumps quality
Office gift
KF9050BK Braun MultiServe Coffee Maker was a gift for employees to have in the office and it literally suits everyone. A large pot can be brewed or just single cups. Everyone has a preference and it can be catered to with one machine. Would recommend.
Love it!
I love this coffee machine! As a self-proclaimed coffee lover this hits every craving. Iced coffee? Easy! A single hot cup? Done! A full pot to share with friends? You got it! And best of all you can use your favourite fresh ground coffee beans!
I was very excited to see the description of this coffee maker. intended to replace one made by DeLonghi, that brewed a perfect coffee (taste and heat) without being SCA certified (a gimmick, if you ask me) for many years.
I did not care for how loud this machine is. It does brew nicely, and the carafe is good too. Quite easy to use and clean with a variety of options. However it is not the machine for me.
pas encore acheté
L'endroit ou je travaille en possède une,je ne l'ai pas encore essayer personnellement,j'adore le desing.Aimerait bien la tester vu que je suis une grosse accro aux café de toutes sortes.Les commentaires sont bons
Great coffee
The measurements in the book were a-bit strong for my liking but after adjusting the scoops the coffee was amazing, so easy to use and program also the fact you can adjust from pot to different size cups is just awesome. I love this machine and will always recommend
Doesn't work keeps getting e21
It looks really nice, it's a little expensive, I like it but it doesn't work, literally bought it not even 24 hours ago and it doesn't work..... not very impressed with the braun product, id like a new one, I sent in email the numbers that were on the box via email I hope I get an answer and a replacement
Good for full pot
I find if you us the cup shelf and just try to make a single cup of coffee it splashes drops out all over the place and makes a little bit of a mess. But if using with the coffee carafe it works great.
Love it!
I love this coffee maker! My favorite part is that I can use my own grounds for single cups. I don’t like buying k-cups so this is the perfect alternative. When I first got it I had to run it a couple times before it tasted normal, but it has it’s own cleaning mode so they make it easy to do. 10/10 would recommend!
Coffee maker
When I first saw one I knew I had to buy one. The way ot makes your coffee taste is amazing. The way the machine looks is so modern and fits in perfectly with other appliances

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