I used it for my infant because I heard it helps to build infant immune system and prevent them infections and it really helped.i was worried about my little one she usually get virals from elder kids it helped her so I think to enhance kids immune system parents should use it
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Home Tester Ace
27 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
27 Reviews
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Enfamil Infant Probotics woks well with my baby. It gives him the stuff he needs when he refuses to eat.
I’m so glad I was chosen to review this product. My baby was so fussy and constantly colicky. Coincidentally I was chosen just in time to give my baby some relief. Within days of starting this product I noticed a huge difference in my babies mood and was less fussy. I would definitely recommend this to any mommy looking for some tummy probiotics for their baby.
I didn’t see much of a change in my child with it. Maybe slightly less gassy on days I anticipated. I have used Enfamil products with my other two children so I would recommend as I can see the need.
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Home Tester Ace
48 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
48 Reviews
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Would try again
Great product. I trust the Enfamil brand so I had no problem testing this out. My baby had no reaction so I say this product was fine.
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Home Tester Ace
27 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
27 Reviews
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Recommended by pediatrician
My son is exclusively breast fed with the exception of one bottle of formula at night. I give him this probiotic at night and he seems to be doing well. His vowel movements are regular and he seems to have less gas than before. I would definitely recommend this product. This product was also recommended by my child’s pediatrician.
It is helpful great brand though thanjs much its a big help
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Home Tester Ace
28 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
28 Reviews
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great product
My baby seemed to like how it taste qitch is good hard to get kids take meds and things they should works great qould recommend
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Home Tester
2 Reviews
Home Tester
2 Reviews
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Not for every baby
My son hated this product and refused to take it again after the first time.
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Brandy(Slippery Rock)
Home Tester
32 Reviews
Brandy(Slippery Rock)
Home Tester
32 Reviews
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Great product
I used enfamil products for all of my kids. I had no idea they made probiotics, I started using this with my twins and it's such a great product and I would suggest to anyone.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Ace
173 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
173 Reviews
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No more constipation
My 6 month old was so constipated when she started solids, that she would scream every time she went to the bathroom. After a couple days of this probiotic, she started going with no problem. She went from going once a week to practically every day. It’s a miracle... and I wish I would have gotten it sooner.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester
18 Reviews
Home Tester
18 Reviews
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Worth a try
Recommended by many physicians. Easy to dispense. Has a funny smell but seems to help with baby's gas
sara (Denver)
sara (Denver)
Nicole (Molena)
Nicole (Molena)
Evette (San Diego)
Evette (San Diego)
Chauncie (Harvest)
Chauncie (Harvest)
Erica (Phillipsburg)
Erica (Phillipsburg)
Emily (Tallahassee)
Emily (Tallahassee)
Kayla (Louisville)
Kayla (Louisville)
Misty (Quitman)
Misty (Quitman)
Sara (Saint Augustine)
Sara (Saint Augustine)
Cha (Remington)
Cha (Remington)
Ann (Pomeroy)
Ann (Pomeroy)
Lauren (Brighton)
Lauren (Brighton)
Brandy (Slippery Rock)
Brandy (Slippery Rock)
Kathy (Sacramento)
Kathy (Sacramento)
Summer (Pulaski)
Summer (Pulaski)