One spray is all yiu need to receive.full benefits! It's not oily like usual essential oil sprays would be. It's so good smelling and gentle on the nose even the throat. Great for times of illnesses.
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57 Reviews
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Zarbees bedtime spray
I used this gentle bedtime spray in lavender and chamomile to help my child relax before bedtime as I always have a hard time putting him to bed especially in the evenings. I followed the instructions and shook this well before using and sprayed in his room before his afternoon nap and again before his bedtime. On the first day it did seem to work well. Had no issues getting him to fall asleep. After the second and third day of trying this spray out, it didnt seem to work as well. So I tried bathing him before his evening bedtime as i usually bathe him around late in the afternoon, then used the spray and that seemed to work. Bathing him just right before his evening bedtime and then using this spray is the only way this seems to work. If i use the spray without bathing him before his noon nap or evening nap then it doesnt do much for him at all.
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Home Tester
14 Reviews
Home Tester
14 Reviews
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Bedtime spray
Great bedtime spray. Using this spray has helped put my child to sleep. I just sprayed around the room and within a few minutes my child was fast asleep. It immediately help relax my son and helped keep him asleep.
I've Used This Product For The Past Week. I Use It In My Toddler's Room Before Nap Time and Night Time. It Appears To Work Well. Instead Of My Toddler Looking Restless Trying To Find A Comfy Spot And Position In Her Bed, She Typically Stays In The Spot Where I Tucked Her In And Stays There During Most Of The Sleep Time. She Falls Asleep Typically Within 10-15 Minutes V.S. The 1-2 Hours Before Using This Spray. It Seemed To Work So Well, I Decided To Use It For Us Adults As Well And It Surely Works On Me. I Fall Asleep Much Faster And Easier. Maybe I Should Invest In Something Like This For The Whole Family To Use.
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Home Tester Pro
112 Reviews
Home Tester Pro
112 Reviews
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Bedtime spray
Gentle Bedtime Room Spray By Zarbees works very well. It only take a little bit of spray to fill the room in a nice relaxing lavender smell that helps to relax your mind and body and allows you to drift off to sleep easily. It helped my daughter, myself, my husband and our older son. Its easy to use and i highly recommend this product.
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Home Tester Pro
80 Reviews
Home Tester Pro
80 Reviews
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Smells heavenly
The mix of chamomile and lavender smells absolutely heavenly and allows my babes to dose off into sweet slumber without harsh medications but a sweet smell. I have used it for not only my kids but also my fiancé and I. Highly recommend
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16 Reviews
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Good product
Since using is product my daughter has been sleeping more peacefully thought the night. You only need one spray as it is rich in smell. It's smells nice too. I would recommend this to anyone who needs help settling their kids down to sleep.
We really enjoyed the gentle smell of this spray. The spray was also a nice mist. My granddaughter did seem to relax at bedtime with the spray. I would recommend this spray, it's very relaxing.
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Elizabeth(Fort Atkinson)
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87 Reviews
Elizabeth(Fort Atkinson)
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Wish scent lasted longer!
This is a neat idea, it adds some fun to our bedtime routine. I find the scent dissipates really quick and is barely noticeable after immediately spritzing. I was thinking it would linger longer and maybe the affects of aromatherapy would help my kids doze off quicker but it doesn't seem to do anything. So overall it adds a bit of novelty to bedtime but that's it. Maybe younger kids could be convinced via placebo effect that this is a magical sleep spray.
This product is by far the best I have tried. It really worked and had a calming effect. I really liked the scent it made my kid really like it. I recommend this product 100 percent!
This product definitely smells good, especially if you like the smell of essential oils. However I have used it more as a general room spray as opposed to being specifically for night time. I didn’t notice a difference in putting my toddler to bed & if he was more calm for the night. It can’t hurt though! And maybe if we tried it for a couple more weeks it would become part of the routine and it would help. But it is still pleasant to use as a room spray! I would recommend this spray for that use, but maybe not specifically for bed time.
Finally a product that helped my babies get to sleep and stay asleep for most of the night. I don’t know how I lived without this product for so long. It’s a true game changer!
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Thanh(Baton Rouge)
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74 Reviews
Thanh(Baton Rouge)
Home Tester Ace
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Smells excellent!
My kids love this spray! They said it smells good and helps the sleep fairy found their bed, so cute! It’s easy to spray around their room before bedtime for a good sleep aroma. I like this lavender scent as it’s calming and nit too overpowering. It’s definitely a nice touch for their bed time that encourages them to sleep easier.
A spray that every parent with a little one needs. Just spray in the room before you lay your child down for a nap and the smell soothes them for a decent nap. No more cranky baby.
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38 Reviews
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38 Reviews
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Calming spray
Good product to help your little one calm down before bedtime. Gou just spray it jn the room before going to sleep and I also do a little on the bed and the pillow. It has a really strong chamomille smell which I didnt like so much but at least it helps my child xalm down
Wanda (Farmington)
Wanda (Farmington)
Lexie (Parkton)
Lexie (Parkton)
Charles (Madison)
Charles (Madison)
Emily (Marianna)
Emily (Marianna)
Elizabeth (Noblesville)
Elizabeth (Noblesville)
Elizabeth (Greenfield)
Elizabeth (Greenfield)
Christel (Dalton)
Christel (Dalton)
Elizabeth (Fort Atkinson)
Elizabeth (Fort Atkinson)
Lisa (Pharr)
Lisa (Pharr)
Mikayla (Monticello)
Mikayla (Monticello)
Shelynn (Elk Grove)
Shelynn (Elk Grove)
Thanh (Baton Rouge)
Thanh (Baton Rouge)
Denise (Fredericktown)
Denise (Fredericktown)
Leidy (Hialeah)
Leidy (Hialeah)