ACANA® Wholesome Grains Dry Dog Food Limited Ingredient Diet Gluten Free Lamb & Pumpkin

4.6 5 0 87 87 Our ACANA® foods always goes beyond the 1st ingredient, thoughtfully crafting our recipes from start to finish. ACANA Limited Ingredient Diet Lamb & Pumpkin + Wholesome Grains is packed with 60%* quality lamb ingredients, and complemented with whole, delicious pumpkin and fiber-rich ancient grains. Complete nutrition for choosy dogs or healthy dogs with food-sensitivities. Our premium ingredients come from a curated group of farmers, ranchers and fishers we’ve known and trusted for decades, and we approach every batch with an unsurpassed commitment to safety and quality in our award-winning Kentucky kitchen. The result is a protein-rich, nutritious, and delicious dog food to help them stay happy, healthy, and thriving. *approximate and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients.
ACANA® Wholesome Grains Dry Dog Food Limited Ingredient Diet Gluten Free Lamb & Pumpkin


Excellent Product
I love the whole concept of this food. My dog also loves it and I will continue to purchase it because of this reason. I would highly recommend this food.
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Good quality but smaller sizes needed!
My 4 dogs enjoyed this product and scarfed it down but I had to crush down some of the kibble since some of my dogs are toy-breeds. The larger dogs loved it and ate it with ease while the little ones had a little more trouble. It’s a great product but also runs out quickly for 4 dogs at the price it’s being sold at.
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She likes it!!
I guess Arcana has made some seriously delicious kibble because my dog eats it out of my hand! Normally, she needs a gravy or a raw food mixed with her kibble but as soon as I opened the bag, she went straight for what was in my hand! I’d say it’s a hit! I’m appreciative of the limited list of ingredients, and that the first two I gredients are real lamb! Lamb and pumpkin is such a nice combo too!
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Dogs loved it!
I will start off saying this was a great value for the size of the bag you get.I appreciate the healthy good for my dog ingredients.My dog ate this right up and begged for more! This is my dogs new favorite food! Thanks!
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Our Golden Girl GOBBLES this up!
Our six year old Golden Retriever has become an immediate fan of this Acana Wholesome Grains Lamb and Pumpkin blend. She follows me around eagerly waiting for meal time and then gobbles the entire bowl up in record time! She can sometimes be finicky, so I am ecstatic to see her approve and knowing that she's having such a healthy, wholesome option for her meals. I love that this food has such quality ingredients and is safe and healthy for our beautiful girl.
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Great brand, unhappy belly
Acana is a great, higher quality food. The Wholesome Grains line is definitely worth a try, especially with tasty options like Lamb and Pumpkin! Unfortunately it is not a good fit for us. Even though this food is a limited ingredient option, one of my boys couldn't adjust to the change. I made sure to transition slowly, but his belly just wasn't interested. However, he did enjoy eating it! Even my picky one was excited when his bowl hit the floor. Definitely worth a try if you're in the market for a better food for your pups!
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My pup loves it!
ACANA Singles Lamb & Pumpkin + Wholesome Grains dog food is rich in protein from grass-fed lamb. Packed with oats, sorghum, millet, and ground miscanthus grass, this high quality dog food is high in fiber and gluten-free, it a nutrient-dense addition to your dog's diet. It is made with raw lamb for a concentrated source of protein and a delicious flavor my pups love. Their unique blend of B & E vitamins, taurine and choline promotes the proper function of your pet’s nervous and circulatory systems to ensure peak performance. Thank you ACANA Pet Foods and Home Tester Club for gifting this to my furry friends!
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My dog is extremely picky when it comes to his food. He loves this! I always try to feed him more natural food without all the crazy ingredients that I can't even pronounce. It's a little pricey but it's totally worth it! He's a happy boy! I definitely recommend this!
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Quality ingredients
Received this dog food compliments of Home Tester Club in exchange for my honest opinion and review. I was happy with the quality of ingredients in this dog food and that lamb was the first ingredient used. This food was also easy on my dogs sensitive gi tract. My gog can be picky, however he seemed to really enjoy this food. I definitely will consider purchasing this food in the future!
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Dogs loved it
Usually if we change the food it happens slowly and we mix it. This time we did not need to the dogs loved it and ate it right away. Definitely would feel comfortable buying it again.
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My dog loves it! The only thing is it is in the pricy side.
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Good but pricey
I have a large Rhodesian ridgeback mix and a smaller mutt and they really enjoyed this dog food! I obviously can't taste it myself but if she likes it and eats it, then I know it is good. I like that it has a lot of protein in it and not a ton of grains and filler. I also like that it is made in the USA. I think the price is too high. Otherwise I think this is a great option for dog food!
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Healthy and pet approved
The ingredients on this food are clean, healthy and high quality. My dog was very excited for this kibble to join his diet and his treat line up since we use small kibble in his puzzles in the evening. He absolutely loves it! Pet and parent approved!
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Seems okay but not for my pup
Let me start off by saying that my pup is a 19 years old (human years) full sized doberman pinscher. He has been through a lot, and he’s pretty picky with food. We got this food in a for him to try. He seemed cautiously excited at first. When we mixed a little bit in his current food - to slowly transition - he was okay. When we increased it to half new, half old, he stopped eating it. Wouldn’t touch his bowl if he sensed the new dog food was in it. He did have diarrhea on the days he ate it. Correlation does not equal causation, but he’s an old pup and his body doesn’t like change. I ended up giving the rest of the dog food to a neighbor, and her puppies (Labrador retrievers) love it and can’t get enough of it!
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GSD Approved
My German Shepard really likes it and it did not upset her stomach. Sometimes when we switch foods she has a bad reaction, but she is happy and her tummy is doing great. She is as enthusiastic to eat as with her usual food (also a premium product. She is on a diet so this high protein formula is great for her right now. Her skin and coat look great too! Good product and thanks for the chance to try it!
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