ACANA® Wholesome Grains Dry Dog Food Limited Ingredient Diet Gluten Free Lamb & Pumpkin

4.6 5 0 87 87 Our ACANA® foods always goes beyond the 1st ingredient, thoughtfully crafting our recipes from start to finish. ACANA Limited Ingredient Diet Lamb & Pumpkin + Wholesome Grains is packed with 60%* quality lamb ingredients, and complemented with whole, delicious pumpkin and fiber-rich ancient grains. Complete nutrition for choosy dogs or healthy dogs with food-sensitivities. Our premium ingredients come from a curated group of farmers, ranchers and fishers we’ve known and trusted for decades, and we approach every batch with an unsurpassed commitment to safety and quality in our award-winning Kentucky kitchen. The result is a protein-rich, nutritious, and delicious dog food to help them stay happy, healthy, and thriving. *approximate and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients.
ACANA® Wholesome Grains Dry Dog Food Limited Ingredient Diet Gluten Free Lamb & Pumpkin


my dog didn't like it
I like the idea of how great is the dog is, but my dog just didn't like it. he only ate one bite, then he refused to ate again. i think maybe should more dog like , but the neighbor dog did realy like it, he came for time to time
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Smells horrible, but thats probably good
This dog food is great for my dog! He loves it, and it didn't give him any gastrointestinal issues. The only thing: it stinks. I'm guessing its the fish, but its worth it if you can store it in a sealed container.
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The good stuff
Our dog devoured this! She was so excited to eat something new. We didn't notice much of a difference in her other than her newly excited way of waiting for her dish to be filled!
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Great product
I received this sample for review purposes and my dog loved it. He would eat the entire food within minutes. I will continue to use this brand because of the sample I received.
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Clean food for your puppy
I offered this food to two my senior dog. One of them ate everything without a problem, but she is a little vacuum and eat almost everything. Second one wasn’t too excited first, since the kibbles a little too big for his teeth, so it took a while to replace his old food go this one, adding some water and let it to soften. Anyway, overall we didn’t have physical problems with this dry food - poops remained good and the dogs felt great.
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Loved it, i read the ingredients and it was great. Ive been wanting to feed my golden retriever much more organic & healthy than just random brands. It was very important to me! This was good! Bigsby loved it!
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Dog love it
My dog enjoys the dog food. Gets excited when I pout the food in the bowl.
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Love the ingredients!!!
I was embarrassed to read the ingredients on our old food when you compare it to this! With protein as the first two ingredients, its nice to know that she's eating as well (or better) than me! We transitioned slowly and had no tummy issues at all, and now we're eating as soon as the food is down instead of when she's hungry. Definitely buying another bag!
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Solid dry dog food!
This food treated my pup well. He seemed to enjoy it and had nice, healthy stools. He has a sensitive most days and he was consistent when eating this food. I would recommend this food you can afford it!
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Great dog food!
My dogs have really been enjoying their ACANA Wholesome Grains Dry Dog Food Limited Ingredient Diet Gluten Free Lamb & Pumpkin! The ingredients are wholesome and real food that I feel really good giving my two little besties everyday! One of my pups has had less gas than when she was eating her old food so win win! It is a high end dog food with a higher price but my dogs are worth it!
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My dog loves it
While I didn’t see much of a change in my dogs overall health, he did love the food. We slowly integrated it into his diet and had no issues at all.
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The furry pets love it!
As soon as I open the bag of Acana Lamb and Pumpkin dog food, all 4 pets came running. I had a time getting the cats to stay away and they never do this with dog food. They must smell the amazing ingredients of oats, pumpkin, and Lamb. My dogs ended up eating two bowls a piece so I know that this is a huge winner and I must keep the back up where they cannot get into it. There’s something about feeding your animals. There’s something about feeding your furry children, good, nutritious food that makes you feel good. I know that they’re getting everything that they need in order to have good heart, health, digestion, furry coat and activity level. So appreciative to get to try this and will be customer! Thank you Acana and HomeTesterClub.
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Calm Stomach, Happy Owner
My pit bull has always had sensitive digestion including chronic diarrhea. I had high hopes this food would help and it has. My dog loves eating it and I love taking him for walks far more now.
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New Dog Food
Tried the dog food and my dog enjoyed the taste and texture of product. My dog finished everything in his bowl and he normally doesn't like dry by itself.
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arcana review
I recently tried the arcana wholesome grains food for my dog. He really seems to enjoy eating it and it has made him excited to eat. the downside is that this food is quite expensive.
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