I was sure about how this product would work but after taking for a few days I could feel a noticeable difference in myself. Urges I am getting on a more frequent basis and is in general making me feel better.
Tried this product with the faith that it would work but I don’t really think it. I did not ever notice a big change. I noticed a very small change but it may have been the placebo effect.
I have been taking this for about 2 weeks now and I can already tell a difference. I have tried other products and this is the best one. It does exactly what it says it does. This is a product that I highly recommend.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester
21 Reviews
Home Tester
21 Reviews
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No Noticeable Effects
Really wanted to love this as the ingredients are fantastic but it sadly did not work for me. Took the advised dose every day for 10 days and felt no different. I do take SSRI’s which is why I was hoping it would help because those medications do effect libido. I’m sure this will be a fantastic product for others but will have to try something else personally.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Pro
220 Reviews
Home Tester Pro
220 Reviews
0 Upload
Could be Better
I've been taking this supplement for a few weeks or so now and to be honest, I haven't seen that much of a difference. I'm going to keep taking it to see if it will work, so it very well could! I know supplements can take time, so I'm open to seeing it through. I like the packaging and the brand though! I still have high hopes.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Ace
51 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
51 Reviews
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Not sure
've been taking the libido supplements for about 2 weeks now. I haven't noticed a change in my "drive" but have had some interesting dreams. I've had no side effects and plan on continuing use at least until the bottle is gone. The pills are easy to take and don't leave any funky aftertaste.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Pro
46 Reviews
Home Tester Pro
46 Reviews
0 Upload
Easy to take
I have not noticed any difference in my body after taking these supplements for a bit over 2 weeks. The capsules are easy to take and I will continue taking the rest of them to see if any changes are noticed.
Home Tested with free product
Beth(Cedar Park)
Home Tester
11 Reviews
Beth(Cedar Park)
Home Tester
11 Reviews
0 Upload
No change
So far, I've not felt any changes while taking this supplement. I'm submitting this review before I've completed taking the whole bottle, so perhaps it's too early to tell. I've not had any negative reactions at least.
I am currently taking a medicine that is lowering my libido to the minimum, so I was very excited to receive this product for testing! At first I was very skeptical, but after couple of days of taking it I could definitely feel the difference in how I felt. It made me less drowsy and more alert, definitely recommending.
Very impressed upon reading the ingredients, really wholesome components listed on the supplement label. Overall a great way to get some extra vitamins and essentials your body needs but didn't really see much increase in the libido zone. The pros outweigh the cons tho by far (really didn't have any cons about this product). Thanks!
I really like this libido supplement, it seems to really be working. My husband and I have 4 Littles and ever since I had the triplets I just haven't cared about having relations , I could take it or leave it. We'll, about 2 weeks after starting this libido supplement I started craving it again. Im in the mood almost as much as he is now, lol. He is happy and so am I. I have already recommended this product to some of my friends. Thank you for an awesome product that actually works!
These are packed with energetic vitamins that are necessary like B. I’m not so sure my Libido went up necessarily but I had more energy through the day without my typical crash at 2pm. I never felt like these kept me awake at night either which is always my fear when it comes to B vitamins. I’d highly suggest for anyone that needs some pep in their step. I will continue taking them!
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester
32 Reviews
Home Tester
32 Reviews
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Libido supliment
This product gave me nice energy that was greatly needed. No to the libido I noticed no difference. I gave it 3 weeks and noticed no difference done there. Maybe there is something else wrong with me. The bottle is nice and big.
Trying Habit Libido! This supplement is all about natural ingredients like maca, traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, and ashwagandha, an adaptogen known to reduce stress (a big libido buzzkill). It also includes Tribulus Terrestris, which some studies suggest might boost testosterone, and vitamins E & B6, important for hormone production and energy levels. It's too early to say if it works for me, but the focus on natural ingredients and well-being is appealing. Will keep you posted! Remember, everyone reacts differently, and talking to your doctor before trying new supplements is always a good idea.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Ace
28 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
28 Reviews
0 Upload
Gave me energy
Over all I enjoyed this supplement. Gives good energy
Danielle (Manchester)
Danielle (Manchester)
Natalia (Naples)
Natalia (Naples)
Danielle (Independence)
Danielle (Independence)
Lily (Bend)
Lily (Bend)
Emily (Weirton)
Emily (Weirton)
Christine (Chicago)
Christine (Chicago)
Bernadine (Salem)
Bernadine (Salem)
Beth (Cedar Park)
Beth (Cedar Park)
Patrycja (Jakin)
Patrycja (Jakin)
Emerie (Somerset)
Emerie (Somerset)
Nichole (Wilson)
Nichole (Wilson)
Calleigh (Raleigh)
Calleigh (Raleigh)
Therese (Hart)
Therese (Hart)
Carol (National City)
Carol (National City)
Brandi (Hendersonville)
Brandi (Hendersonville)