Vicks Sinus Inhaler VH200

4.6 5 0 55 55 The electrical Sinus Inhaler delivers warm, soothing steam for easy breathing. It is designed to work exclusively with scented VapoPads with essential oils to provide soothing vapours for added comfort. Adjustable steam control means the intensity is easy to manage, and automatic shut-off gives peace of mind when using.
Vicks Sinus Inhaler VH200


Vicks portable sinus inhaler
Vicks sinus inhaler was a great little facial steamer which I really enjoyed using. Positive points: - it was really portable which I loved the idea that I could move it around my house. - The Smelling pads were great and I could feel my breathing getting clearer after using it, even my parrot loved using it! - easy to use and no fuss inhaler. - it did help my breathing and sinus issues I have. Negatives: - Personally I felt I would off liked it if it gave off more steam (even on the highest settings) it might of been a bit more effective in that sense. - The Eucalyptus scent pads seem to wear off quicker than I'd like I could probably see myself needing quite alot more if I was using it regularly. - would of liked the plastic facial part to be abit more hardy/hard wearing seemed to be easily marked by pets! Overall I was happy to be chosen to test this product and would probably give this product an 8/10 rating!!! Thanks so much!
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Great for clearing sinuses and colds
This couldn’t have come at a better time, I was stuck down with the cold and blocked nose from hell. Luckily this came and was a great help!!! The smell was not too strong and you also had a choice of smells on was eucalypts and the other was rosermay which which unblocked and eased my sinuses with the steam that comes off the machine! I would recommend this to anyone who has sinus issues as it really works!
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Breathing again
Amazing, this couldn't have arrived at a better time, I had just started with a very bad case of sinusitis when this arrived, it is so easy to use, the simplest of instructions it did take a bit of getting used to getting the right setting for the steam because the sachets are quite strong but it helps to clear your airways so gently and quickly, overall brilliant product would recommend to anyone.
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It is ok
I it is nice little device. You can use it with just water or with special pads. I was using it for few weeks but I didn’t notice much help with my sinuses. I think nebuliser does much better job. The water container is in my opinion too small.
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Breathe easier
It was a great product for blocked nose However I wasn't keen on the lavender scented.
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I Can Breath Again
I am always prone to stuffiness and colds, I catch everything I come into contact with. So I was so happy to find a way to clear my sinuses and find comfort with this machine. It’s so easy to use, just plug in, apply the Vicks scented pads and water away you go! It’s actually really soothing and it’s not noisy at all. My sinuses felt clear almost instantly.
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Without that machine i wouldnt be able to breath while i had problem with my sinus
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It is okay
Used it when i felt like i was coming down with a cols, and used it both with and without the vapour pads and there is a major difference between the two. I would recommend it for essy colds and light congestion.
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Great product
This product really helped me feel less congested. I suffer with allergies including hayfever which has been bad this year and using this made it so much easier to breathe through my nose. I would recommended to anyone who feels congested often as it definitely provides a lasting relief.
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Perfect for grotty noses!
I received this product as part of a product test - I usually struggle quite a bit with hayfever and my partner does also with colds and flu. Luckily (ha!) the week after this arrived he had a really stuffy nose and couldn’t sleep. It was really sleek to use, easy to put together, and worked a charm with the menthol pads to help clear out his sinuses and keep them clear. That in itself helped him feel a LOT better and helped with his quality of sleep! It’s not something I’d ever thought of buying before but it also feels a little bit like a spa treatment with the steam - something that works and doubles up as relaxing is always worth it in my book!
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Inhale away!
Vicks sinus inhaler! I am a person that has sinus problems and experiences seasonal allergies. This inhaler really improved my breathing and I feel my sinus especially my nose is much more clearer and not as blocked or clogged up as usual. It is a much safer option for me than using the traditional method of pouring hot water into a bucket and inhaling. This is by far safe and can be used for the whole family. The only downside is the vapour isn’t as strong as what the traditional method would provide. I would still Recommend as it gets the job done. Not to mention the inhaler scents /sticks are very helpful. This inhaler could also be used on the face to open your pores !
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Does what it promises
I tend to have a congestioned nose and chest due to allergies and asthma , this inhaler helps me to relieve the congestion. The smell is nice smells like vicks which is a smell I don’t mind. Overall I am happy with this.
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I cannot belive how amazing this is and how much it improved my sinuses with the cold I love the way it delivered the vapours and really opened up my airways this will be my go yo treatment with anything sinus related
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I can breathe again
This came at justthat right time for me as I wassuffering so bad then this productarrived I've used it 2xa day sometimes more asitgaveme instant relief and I could breathe again loved the whole system super easy to use which you can get it just right for you I will be buying more refills ASAP thankyou HTC
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Vicks Sinus Inhaler
Vicks Sinus Inhaler feel easy breathing. Quick - ready in 5 minutes, easy to use. Perfect for kids easy inhalation no scalding with hot water. Helps with breathing
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