Biotiful Organic Kefir

4.7 5 0 211 211 Biotiful kefir is packed with naturally healthy nutrients, supporting your immunity** and no sugar added. Enjoy it for breakfast or as a snack. **Biotiful Kefir is a source of vitamin B12 which supports the normal functioning of the immune system.
Biotiful Organic Kefir


Kefir great drink
Organic Kefir is the most beneficial among natural drinks. Kefir has a special place in my life. It is an expert in increasing healthy bacteria in the body. It is a drink we always need. I definitely recommend everyone to drink it.
Tasty and great for your gut and
Since I’ve started buying and having this kefir, I’ve been feeling so much better, less bloated and definitely less digestive issues. I also feel lighter and with more energy. I feel like this has improved my immune and digestive system and now is regular part of my diet.
Delicious and sugar free
I absolutely love this product as it has no unnecessary ingredients added. It's pure and great if you want to take care of good bacterias in your gut. The best to use if you're not familiar with fermented products- don't drink the whole bottle in one go but spread it over couple days to make your gut familiar with this product.
Great product
Great product for a healthy diet. I love kefir to improve my gut health and this product does just that. Very impressed
Best on the market
We have been eating / drinking kefir for a while now as part of a healthy diet & wanting to look after our gut health. Really good to add to overnight oats. The flavoured ones are also good.
Biotiful organic kefir
This is a really great product my dad loves this biotiful organic kefir is absolutely fantastic it taste really really good you have to try this
I love this kefir drink! It is zingy and balance well between sourness of a natural kefir drink with creaminess. The texture is fluid and easily drinkable. I find it a very delicious drink.
Good for your gut
Very nice and good for your health, I buy this product regularly and I am satisfied
Biotiful Kefir
I love kefir, as polish born my childhood fridge was full of them, Biotiful organic kefir is a snack good for gut health
Nice taste, very good quality, not cheap but good for health.
This is truly health y for your guts. I tried it for a few weeks and definitely will keep buying this
I was hoping that I would love this however, I don’t like the taste it has a strange texture and smell
Excellent product
Kefir has made such a difference to my gut. Having suffered from an irritable bowel for as long as I can remember with constant diarrhoea it has been life changing to have a normal movement.It means I don't have to check where toilets are when I go out.
Delicious healthy drink
I really enjoyed this, was dubious about the unflavoured but it’s really nice. Helps the gut. Would like a bigger size!
Gut Health
A good way to keep gut health in tiptop condition. Helps with digestion. Natural and organic.

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