Coca Cola Vanilla Soft Drink

4.2 5 0 48 48 Coca-cola vanilla has a refreshing coca-cola taste with a sweet hint of vanilla.
Coca Cola Vanilla Soft Drink


Vanilla Coke
I buy the cans. A great refreshing drink to have after a long day or with the kids watching movies. Love it. Great vanilla taste.
A personal fave
I love the favoured coke range, raspberry is my favorite but vanilla is very very close second. I love that it doesn't taste artificial and over powers the classic coke taste. 10/10 would recxomend
Soft vanilla coke
I love the Vanilla Coke. The Vanilla almost softens the hard Coke taste without eliminating the tingly bubbles on your palet and tongue. A beautiful combination of two much loved flavors.
Best coke variant
The best coke flavour including the classic coke. The vanilla is subtle but enough to cut through cokes taste.
Not enough vanilla flavor coming through
This is a very subtle flavored coke, I tend to add vanilla essence in mine to give it a bit of a boost.
All time favourite
This here, is my all time favourite fizzy drink since u was in primary school! Although I only remember or being sold in small bottles or cans. Ever since we've been able to purchase the 1.5 litre size in the supermarket I can say this has been a regular fixture in our household. I am trying to cut back but its so good!
Great vanilla taste
One the first Coke-with-a-hint-of-something flavours released and definitely the best. The vanilla taste goes very well with the classic coke taste. I would recommend to anyone who loves coca cola but hasn't tried this version yet.
Good drink
Super refreshing. Good for when you're over standard cola.
Not bad
This flavour is not as gassy as the original one. Prefer for those who prefer a non gassy coke
Love love love
I love vanilla coke the flavor is so good. The first mouthful is so full of flavour. The bottles and the flavour the best part..
Vanilla Coke
I'm not the biggest fan of Coca Cola but the added flavour of vanilla made it palatable. Not sweet and sickly at all.
Coca cola, vanilla
I am not a fan of coca cola, however, after trying this one the subtly flavour of vanilla was surprising very refreshing. Even my husband enjoyed the taste.
Vanilla coke
My honest opinion is it's yuk..I do not like it at's not my type of drink and when it's warm it's worse. Just stick to coke don't over complicate it. No I would not recommend
Enjoyable drink
I enjoy this drink and drink it more than normal coke
When you feel like something sweet and coke wont quite cut it, vanilla coke is the way to go :) sweeter than normal coke without being too sweet.

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