Nightlabs 11 Berries Peeling Gel

4.5 5 0 266 266 这款去角质凝胶对您的肌肤十分温和。含有11种果酱精华,具有抗氧化因子,能温和去除死皮细胞,同时深层洁净毛孔,促进夜间肌肤细胞更新,让肌肤显现光彩,肤质更加柔滑。<br> <br> 它的非刺激性温和配方还富含尿囊素和天然糖复合物,能深层滋润肌肤。
Nightlabs 11 Berries Peeling Gel


Nightlabs 11 Peeling Gel
Gel yang tidak merengsakan kulit dan tidak gatal. Wajah lebih bersih dan lembut selepas penggunaan. Packaging juga cantik dan senang untuk apply. Affordable price. Recommended.
Not a personal favourite
I do not love the feeling after washing it off. It feels like there is still a film over my face. Does it really exfoliate? I don't know, but its the after feeling that is bothering me.
The product is very superb and worth to have it..
Nightlab 11 Berries Peeling Gel is very worth to have it. The packaging is nice. The ingredients are good.
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Peeling gel yg terbaik
Selepas menggunakan gel, keadaan kulit saya menjadi lebih lembut, licin dan lebih cerah. Terutama hidung dan dagu saya.Saya suka reka bentuk gel pengelupasan ini kerana botolnya dilengkapi dengan kunci yang melindungi gel daripada menekan secara tidak sengaja.Secara keseluruhan, saya berpuas hati dengan pengelupasan gel kerana ia menghilangkan kulit mati tanpa merengsangkan kulit saya
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I love with this product....💓💓
This product are so amazing and good skin repair dead skin...i so happy because meet this product...💓💓😍😍
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
light and suitable for my dry skin! like the smell too. Skin feel refreshing after use. Affordable price too
selesa selepas mencuba kerana ia berkesan pada kulit muka
Saya berpuas hati setelah mencubanya kerana kulit wajah terasa segar dan tidak meninggalkan sebarang iritasi pada kulit muka..kulit muka juga terasa segar dan kelihatan cerah
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Best peeling gel I've ever used!
Nightlabs Peeling Gel works really greats on my skin! I've tried many brands and most of them irritate that my skin as I have sensitive skin. My skin is smoother & brighter after 1 week. I will definitely purchase again in the future!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
When i first received the product,i didn't have that much of expectation of this product.But then only after first use,i can totally feel that my skin so smooth and fresh. It definitely gentle on my skin and doesn't irritated my skin at all. As for now i really enjoy using it and love it so much.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
用了nightclubs 11 berries peeling gel 真的有效的可以去死皮,而且用了后皮肤不会干干的 真的很不错
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Special Fantastic Comfortable
After I tried it, it let me felt that my skin become more clean & brighten. It can effectively exfoliating my face!
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Kulit rasa bersih tanpa minyak dan jerawat.
Kulit saya jenis kering. Saya pakai peeling gel ini selepas guna cleanser. Keringkan muka baru apply. Gosok dengan gentle. Memang keluar kulit² mati. Puas hati. Saya pakai 2x seminggu. Kulit rasa bersih. Jerawat pun tak berani tumbuh. Kulit ada rasa kering lepas apply gel tapi it's ok sebab exfoliate kan, memang mengeringkan kulit sebab tu kena pakai moisturiser untuk kekal hydrated.
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个人觉得味道不是很好闻 ,不过很容易使用 , 效果也很好 ,使用过程也很简单 , 可以快速的去掉脸上的角质
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Amazing product, soft to skin, very gentle
Really good product, smell really nice, my skin feel so nice and soft after use.
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Superb best peeling gel 😊
Superb best peeling gel 😊 Suitable for all type of skin and really help to remove dead skin cells
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