BRAND’S® InnerShine

4.8 5 0 213 213 BRAND’S<sup>®</sup> InnerShine 共有 3 款; Berry、Prune 和 Mato Bright。 含有天然水果精华,可帮助您提升整体健康,由内至外焕发靓丽光彩。
BRAND’S<sup>®</sup> InnerShine


Innershine make me more confident &happy
enhances the natural protection of your skin against UV radiation, it support fair and unblemished skin. InnerShine Mato Bright™ protects skin against darkening, suitable for women who wants brighter skin. Added with Prune extract, it is high in fiber, helps remove toxin from body.
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Produk berkualiti tak rugi cuba
Saya suka Brand's Innershine ni. Pek purple perisa berry masam² yg sedap. Selepas makan secara konsisten akan rasa diri lebih bertenaga kulit semakin cantik dan selesa diperut. Untuk lebih menyegarkan lagi minum Innershine ni dingin.
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natural bright healthy
I'm having short bedtime and usually only fall asleep at mid night which contributed to yellow facial skin tone due to bad blood circulation. I'm happy and appreciate for the chance given to taste Brand's Inner Shine Prune. The prune essence is thick and full with natural fragrance without artificial smell. Besides, it is not too sweet which seem a very good diet for me. I'm happy the essence helps on bowel movement and leads to healthy intestine improve the regularity. I believe healthy intestine and the Vit E helps to brighten my skin. Just for your note, it is not whitening, but is brighten which make I looks more healthy than usual. Thank you Home tester and thank you Brand's!
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rasa pati buah yang asli
rasa pati buah yang asli,memang sedap dan saya akan jadikan innershine sarapan pagi untuk saya
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Pure buah buahan, terbaik
Oke boleh, rasa pure buahan dia, tapi tak boleh nak telan, rasa cam mna tah
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Shine and radiant from within
Brand's InnerShine, especially Berry Essence has a nice and flavourful taste of berries. It is contains of 7 types of berries which make it unique in its taste and rich in vitamins for your skin. Berry Essence is best taken in the morning, after the breakfast as it is high in antioxidants for your younger looking skin and keep your skin protected from UV exposure.
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Innershine terbaik .RS buah fresh sedap
Sedap ,diminum sejuk rse myegarkn . Kulit lebih lembut
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Skin become bright, look fresh, sweet
My skin look bright after drinking Brand's InnerShine. Taste abit sweet for me. But can taste from fruit essence.
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Innershine give my skin radiant
After i consume inner shine in 12 day it give my skin more healthy and radiant. It worth to try
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hebat terbaik mantap
sedap mantap sangat puas hati dengan hasil yg sy dapat selepas amalkan innershine🥰
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innershine terbaik..rase sedap dan perlu consisten sambung minum kalau nak result yg lebih baik
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Delicious Satisfying Confident
My skin health improved after consuming BRAND’S® InnerShine. I am satisfied with the result after consuming it so I will continue to buy BRAND’S® InnerShine .
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love the flavour and help me feel good
Love the taste of the berries and feel so good after consuming it
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what you fell after consume?
I can drink well, taste also good. I feel more refreshing.
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Brand's so good for my self
Brands good to drink n nice for my self i want to buy this
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