AVON Powerstay 24 Hour Eyeliner

4.6 5 0 280 280 AVON全新眼线膏让您保持24小时锐利漂亮。 <br> <p>• 浓烈的防水颜色让您全天看起来神清气爽。 <p>• 顺滑配方确保上妆均匀流畅。 <p>• 防晕染防转移,色彩持久全天。 <br> <br> <i>最佳窍门:使用后,请等待90秒让眼线变干,接着再测试产品持久性/不晕染/不沾不重叠的效果。</i>
AVON Powerstay 24 Hour Eyeliner


AVON Powerstay is stays all day long
love it.as its stay all day long from morning till i get back home the same
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Best. Tak comot.
Serius memang best. Especially untuk mata yang tiada eyelid macam saya. Tak comot. Dulu takut nak pakai jenis pensil sebab bawah mata dan atas mata akan nampak garis hitam esp bila start berpeluh. So, memang prefer jenis liquid je. Tapi, avon ni memang best dan harga pon affordable.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Mudah, tahan lama dan sangat cantik
Produk yang bagus kerana ketahanannya yang kekal sehingga 24jam, mudah digunakan dan dibawa kemana-mana..saya juga tidak risau lagi selepas ini kerana eyeliner saya tidak akan comot apabila terkena air atau peluh.Very highly recommended 👍👍
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Easy to removed. Black nice colour.
The colour is tense black. For a beginner like me, a bit hard for me to draw the liner since not sharp enough. Easy to removed. Im using it for under eye make my eyes looks nice.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Simple, elegant, sleek
I love it so much, it's easy to apply, stays sharp, nice texture, smudge free and feels comfortable
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Good nice beauty
Long lasting eyeliner.. its easy to use.. i love it..
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
很轻柔,很容易上手 小小的也很方便放包包里 效果也很不错
很轻柔,很容易上手 小小的也很方便放包包里 效果也很不错 顺滑眼线笔 描绘隐藏式眼线 笔触柔软,轻轻一描即可立即上色。持久防水防汗,不会晕染。
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
longlasting, smudgeless, light & comfort
I'm greatfull to be given the oppurtinity to try AVON Powerstay 24 Hour Eyeliner. Usually I am easily irritated by eyeliner but when I'm using AVON Powerstay 24 Hour Eyeliner, it's so light and unnoticeble till sometimes I forget that I am wearing an eyeliner.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Cantik kekal menawan
Saya amat menyukai eyeliner ini.. Ia amat cantik apabila dipakai.. Amat mudah menggunakan nya..
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
sharp blacky stay
color hitam pekat dan tak mudah comot. senang untuk pakai as sekali lukis dah lekat warna.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
This eyeliner make me feel more cnfident
The best eyeliner i've ever tried so far. Very recommended 👍
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
best Powerstay 24 hour👍🏻
indeed very best,confirm powerstay 24 hours and easy to wash.tq Hometesterclub👍🏻🤩👍🏻🤩👍🏻🤩
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Stunning,amazing and incredible..
Easy to wear and shape the eyes, doesn't leave any stain and easy to wipe off.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
This is my first time to use Eyeliner. Once I received the product, I feel easy to put on my eyeliner without learning from Youtube although not so nice looking. After that, I try to draw another day after some videos. I attend to my friend's birthday gathering with my new look. Few friends impressed and ask about it. I strongly introduce AVON eyeliner as it is easy to apply for new user like me.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品


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