Bepanthen® SensiWash & SensiDaily

4.5 5 0 182 182 Still searching for effective eczema care products that are suitable for your little ones? Try this powerful body wash and moisturizer combo from the World’s No. 1 non-prescription skincare brand*, Bepanthen<sup>®</sup>‘s Eczema Range is gentle yet effective for all ages including babies above 1 month old. <br><br> <small>*Nicholas Hall’s global CHC database, DB6 MAT Q4 2022. </small>
Bepanthen<sup>®</sup> SensiWash & SensiDaily


不错的产品 还会回购,我的孩子天气热的时候,颈部会痒,测试使用了bepanthen的产品有改善这个问题
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Suitable for eczema baby
After tried this product on my baby is totally fine and safe. As he got eczema since newborn. Now he is 3years old and still allergy to some product. Overall is good just the smell of the body wash is unpleasant. Kind of like rubber or plastic smell.
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Scratch even more...
After my kid use it for 5 days, his frequency of scratching is getting more and more. He can scratch till the leg bleeding then when he bath will feel painful and cry. So, I am not able to use it.
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Menyelesaikan masalah kulit sensitif
Anak saya telah lama menghidapi masalah kulit yang kering, gatal dan sensitif. Apabila mencuba sabun mandi dan losyen Bepanthen hampir 3 minggu, perubahan yg amat ketara pada kulit badan anak anak saya. Kulit mereka yang dulunya kering dan gatal dah menjadi semakin lembap. Tak lagi menggaru pada setiap malam. Losyen pun melembapkan kulit lebih 8 jam. Memang menyakinkan untuk saya terus setia menggunakan Bepanthen untuk kulit keluarga yang ada ekzema.
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Sesuai untuk kulit sensitif
Secara jujurnya setelah menggunakan beberapa hari tidak nampak apa-apa kesan positif mahupun negatif penggunaan produk ini..namun saya percaya ini produk terbaik yang dihasilkan untuk mereka yang ada masalah kulit seperti ekzema.anak saya telah mencuba pelbagai produk untuk melegakan ekzema namun tiada yang serasi dengannya.mungkin masih awal untuk melihat keberkesanan lotion ini terhadap sakit ekzema anak saya. Sy akan terus memakaikan lotion ini kepada anak saya. Saya percaya suatu hari nanti masalah ekzema anak saya akan selesai jua. Terima kasih hometasteclub kerana memberi peluang mencuba produk yang baik ini
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soft and lock moisture
my son skin has been very sensitive, but when i apply the cream, it absorb easily, lock the moisture and reduce itchiness
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one of the best product
I honestly admit that this product has proven to be very effective for my son who suffers from mild eczema, his skin is very soft, no longer itchy and does not leave scars. I highly recommend this product. Thank you for give me this trial product, i wish to purchase next time.
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Reputable brand, love the texture.
There are many brands available in the market that I tried. For Bepanthen, first used was ok. Subsequently, the result is not improving. Reason might be my child is active and alway In sweat. Hence, I will continue for a bit longer before I decide switching to this brand. Bepanthen is a good brand, been using other product range of the brand since my boy as newborn.
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Mositure and lightweight!
The bodywash is fragrance free and gentle enough for their sensitive skin. The lotion is lightweight so the kids wouldn't feel sticky and irritating after apply it.
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Daily wash and lotion
Body wash- I like the texture and how the gel turns into milky wash. Gentle on skin. Body lotion- Can see the effect on my child’s skin, able to maintain good condition when there is no eczema flare up. No strong fragrance.
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宝宝出生后出现严重湿疹 皮肤泛红粗糙 使用了bepanthen sensiwash & sensidaily过后有了非常明显的改善 皮肤不再泛红 解决了湿疹问题 对Bepanthen这个品牌非常有信心
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Produk yang bagus. Tiada bauan.
Produk yang sangat bagus. Sesuai digunakan sepanjang hari.
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Good and effective for sensitive skin
Used it on my 2 years plus baby. Can see improvement to his skin. More moist, less flares especially the neck area
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Bepanthen®Sensi Wash & SensiDaily
最近天气一热就无敌热..一下雨就无敌大雨 很糟糕的天气..最担心就是鸿宝的皮肤问题..小孩的皮肤很嫩..用对产品很重要!幸好让我遇见了Bepanthen® SensiWash & SensiDaily。不然皮肤一定很干燥!这样的天气 小孩皮肤保湿很重要..幸好Bepanthen够保湿..不然真的头疼..现在一去lost world玩水..就直接带着SensiWash出门了..方便使用..加上没有香精的味道!
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