Live Clean Fresh Face Tonique Facial Rafraîchissante

4,4 5 0 25 25 HYPOALLERGÉNIQUE - DERMOTESTÉ Appliquée après le nettoyage, cette formule douce apaise et équilibre la peau, laissant le teint frais, clair et revitalisé. Elle élimine en douceur les cellules mortes de l'épiderme, révélant une peau d'apparence plus jeune. - Ingrédients végétaux - Avec des plantes certifiées biologiques - Hypoallergénique - Sans pétrole - Sans silicone - Sans huiles minérale - Sans parabens - Sans phtalates - Purement végétalien - Sans colorants - Aux huiles essentielles - Sans expérimentation animale - Emballage recyclable - Ingrédients biodégradables - Sans DEA - Sans phosphates
Live Clean Fresh Face Tonique Facial Rafraîchissante


Quite good
Love this brand. It's gentle, keeps the oils away, not an overwhelming scent. Does the job. It is very watery however. I prefer a creamier toner.
Fresh feeling toner
I liked this toner. My face felt fresh and clean after using it. I loved that it has clean ingredients and it smelled nice.
Enjoyed this toner!
The best feature of this toner is that it doesn't burn the skin, even if you have sensitive skin like I do. I find that some toners sting and leave my face really dry but live clean didn't. If you are looking for a good toner that won't feel like your face is burning, definitely try this one!
Very good product
This product is very good for hair body wash and other I really recomed this
It’s ok
It’s ok. Cheap price, cheap product. Only buy if u have too.
Highly Recommend
This product is calming, soothing, and preps your skin for your make u routine or cleansing routine! I love the smell of it and it makes me feel so refreshed! I would highly recommend.
A staple in my skincare routine
Love love love! This toner is exactly what I have been looking for! It’s calming and soothing and preps your skin for treatments after cleansing. If you’re looking for a moisturizing toner I’d look else where but if your looking to prep your skin before moisturizer or serums etc this is perfection. No drying or irritating, calms my redness. I could go on and on. Will def repurchase.
Live Clean Fresh Face Refreshing Facial Toner is fantastic is you’re looking for a good balancing, organic toner. Smells lovely. Another good product from the live clean line. Would recommend.
very good
This is a gentle toner that keeps the oils from your face for the days. Works very well with the cleanser and moisturiser. I use it daily.
Great on sensitive skin!
I only use this kind of toner on my face and I have very sensitive skin. Live Clean Fresh Face Toner is very gentle on my skin I have no red rash or itchy skin afterwards! I highly recommend this product if your skin is very picky and you've tried everything and haven't found that one product suitable for you try this! You won't be disappointed! 💜
Shampoo useage
I found it cleaned my skin well, however it did nothing else.
Had higher expectations
To be honest, I think my expectations of this product were a bit too high, I was expecting the results to be a lot more noticeable than they were - in my experience, I did not notice much difference with this toner compared to my usual favourite by Vichy. Maybe others will have better results, but it just wasn't the case for me, sadly.
Its gental and its leaves the skin soft.
I found this very moisturizing and smooth. Liked it alot
Live Clean!
I love Live Clean products and this one didn’t disappoint. The gentleness of the cleanser is second to none. The scent is subtle and it is non-drying on my skin. I adore this product.

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