
Lid sinds : 13 jun 2017

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Cebion Effervescent Vitamin C


It is very convenient to brew, just throw one into the water, and you can take the vitamins your body needs with simple steps. The taste is not very sour, it is delicious.

Drypers Touch Pants


尿裤很舒适 很适合活跃爬行学习行走的宝宝 吸收力很强可耐高达10小时以上 腿胖宝宝也不会紧紧 腰部伸缩性柔软,不会不舒服



试用了虎标驱蚊贴后,体验感有惊喜到我。 香茅味道很重,防蚊的确很有效,宝宝贴了没有蚊子靠近亦没有蚊子叮咬,反而我被蚊子叮,证明产品效果很好

Fine Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee


The taste of Fine Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee is very suitable for me. The coffee tastes very fragrant and smooth, and is low in calories. It is not afraid of fat at all! It is very suitable for coffee control who like to drink coffee and want to control their weight. It is not very sweet, helps gastrointestinal motility, prevents constipation, and can drink coffee healthily.

Sunlight Sakura Fresh


全新Sunlight Sakura Fresh,卓越研发的技术,5倍快速去除油脂,香气四溢,让您仿佛置身于樱花园。 Sunlight SAKURA FRESH洗碗液采用日本樱花+橙子100%天然精油制成,对我们的手非常温和,可以快速清洁餐具的油脂,碗碟彻底清洁清爽 樱花的香味让你沉浸在樱花圆的幻想中,洗碗的时候很享受,Sunlight SAKURA FRESH洗碗液让你洗碗轻松又享受,我很喜欢。

Yokoline Cough Bird’s Nest Luo Han Mi Plus Syrup


尝用Yokoline Cough Bird's Nest Luo Han Mi Plus Syrup后,喉咙舒缓了,隔天起来喉咙不会疼痛了,很滋润,主要是不甜我很喜欢

Nightlabs 11 Berries Peeling Gel


After trying Nightlabs 11 Beries peeling Gel for 2 weeks, the skin absorbs the skin care products very well, the dull skin becomes more shiny, and the skin will not be tight after use, and the problem of clogged pores has also been reduced. The oily condition on the face is no longer so greasy. Nightlabs 11 Beries peeling Gel product is gentle, does not hurt the skin, the texture is Gel very good, easy to use #htcmyxnightlabspeelinggel #hometesterclubmy

ACELABS Lumiere Rebalancing Diamond Drop Advanced Probiotics Ampoule


Acelabs Lumiere Rebalancing Diamond Drop helps to brighten the complexion, the freckles are not obvious, the activation of youthful protein, the ingredients inside are also probiotics and prebiotics Skin become firm and fair thank you hometester #htcmyxACELABSMY #ACELABSMY #hometesterclubmy



Busy morning, I often overlook breakfast, and it became my breakfast replacement. Give me satiety and nutrition.This drink are less sweet , very healthy . If you like Almond ,you will very like it , the taste match with chocolate favorite very nice 👍



With Allie sunscreen, under the sun ,I no longer worry about melanin leaving .Allie sunscreen is water-resistant, non-greasy and long-lasting.

KATE Secret Skin Maker The Base Zero Powder


Looking for a perfect natural light-weight base make-up? Then you should try “KATE Secret Skin Maker Powder ! ” The base powder was so smooth, non-cakey,and oil-control 👍 This light-weight make-up powder is more natural. After trying it, I found that the base make-up is not only natural but not greasy all day long ~ The concealing effect could even covered up my blackheads ~ It could controlling oily ,Makeup lasts all day which is suitable for friends who like light-weight foundation ! #htcmyxKATESecretSkin

Friso Gold® Step 3


Friso Gold 给与我孩子足够的营养,孩子胃口很好,也常常喝Friso,没有便秘也没有腹泻没有涨风,是我孩子健康成长的选择 值得信赖的产品

KOSÉ Sekkisei Herbal Gel



BiO-LiFE Livasil


Often feel tired, flatulence, and indigestion ~ Staying up late at every night to hurt the liver causes toxins to accumulate inside the body. You need it. BIOLIFE LIVASIL It can help your liver detoxify and restore your body to health~

Chek Hup Madagascar Vanilla Latte


I was tried 3cup Madagascar Vanilla Latte,i love the taste,but inside the gift (Crystal sugar) not enough , another cup I try add more crystal sugar it is very delicious, my suggestion is crystal sugar please add more to let we adjust more or less to add on the coffe latte. Second, the coffe not enough kao/gao, can more gao/kao abit so the coffee will more delicious and I prefer every morning can have one cup .