Smart Sweets Gusanos de goma

4.2 5 0 278 278 <li> KICK SUGAR: Siéntete bien con los dulces con SmartSweets Gummy Worms. Solo 4 g de azúcar y 110 calorías para toda la bolsa: ¡eso es un 81% menos de azúcar que los otros caramelos de gusanos de goma! Edulcorados inteligentemente con edulcorantes innovadores y de alta calidad alulosa y fruta de monje. <li> MANTENGA EL CARAMELO: Deliciosos dulces gomosos sin gluten que son una opción radicalmente mejor, sin alcoholes de azúcar, azúcar agregada; y edulcorantes artificiales. Elaborado con jugos de frutas y verduras. <li> RICO EN FIBRA: Repleto de 9 gramos de bondad de fibra prebiótica soluble. Tus gominolas favoritas con 3 combinaciones de sabores por bolsa: frambuesa azul + cereza, limonada rosa + melocotón y fresa + piña <li> UNA BOLSA = UNA PORCIÓN: ¡No es necesario adivinar ni contenerse! La porción es la bolsa ENTERA </li>
Smart Sweets Gusanos de goma


Just ok
Wanted to love these but they are very chewy and hard.
Not so sweet
To be honest the taste was questionable. Not a very sweet taste or any sweet taste for that matter and it was tough to chew. Sadly for the price I would not buy again definitely
Great substitute
These are a great candy substitute when you're looking to cut down on sugar but still need a sweet snack. The flavor is good and doesn't taste like fake sugar. The only problem with them is that every time, I want to eat the entire bag!
Not my favorite
Not my favorite low sugar treat. As a newly diagnosed diabetic I've tried finding sweets to enjoy. The texture was okay but the flavor was way off. To much artificial sweetener.
These are a fabulous low sugar gummy worm candy product!! The fruity flavor is great! If you watch your sugars- watch this brand! Great on flavor too!!! I love finding low sugar alternatives!!!
Good for a low carb option.
The main gripe with these (as many have pointed out) is the bitterness to the taste, however considering how little calories it has, this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Overall this is one of the best options for low carb sweets even if it's not up to par with regular gummy worms,l. Overall 4/5 for me because there's room for improvement in terms of the taste but everything else is great!
Nice alternative
My partner is a huge fan of gummy treats and discovered these on a trip to Target. They aren't the greatest-tasting gummy we've ever had, but if you need a sweet gelatin fix and want to be mindful of your sugars and carbs, this is a great choice.
Gummy worms.
I didn't really like these gummy worms. They were very chewy and the flavor didn't come through very well. It needs a more gummy texture. I don't think I would recommend this product.
my review
hi i love these,they're so sweet and sour,i love snacking on them,and having them for dialysis treatment,so i can snack on something,in the afternoon.!
Gummy worm
It's honestly not the worst I've had and it helps my candy craving. I had gastric Sleeve surgery and since I can't consume much sugars. I'm happy about this product and will buy again.
love them
Love those sweets. My kids also always ask me to buy them now
These taste amazing!
I have problems with my blood sugar so when I found these at Target I got so excited! It is hard to find healthy candies that actually taste good, but these are amazing! They are sweet but not too sweet. I buy these all the time and do not see myself stopping in the future.
Good to satisfy a sweet tooth
These gummy worms can help satisfy any sweet cravings and it is low in sugar and carbs so this is a great option for those following a Keto diet. The only thing I didn't like about these were the chewy texture, it would get stuck in between my teeth and gums and I would eventually get tired of all that chewy that I only want to eat a piece or two at a time. There are no wierd after taste with this product either.
Good tasting candy.
These gummy worm are really good tasting. I like that it doesn't have a lot of sugar in them. The worms were gummy. They were not hard. They were just the right size
Helps to satisfy your “sweet” tooth
I know that we need to be Heath conscience and mind our sugar/carb intake. Unfortunately I have a bad sweet tooth that ultimately puts me in diet jail. I do like this brand overall however the texture of the candies are much different than the real thing so it does take some getting used to at first.

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