Smart Sweets Gusanos de goma

4.2 5 0 278 278 <li> KICK SUGAR: Siéntete bien con los dulces con SmartSweets Gummy Worms. Solo 4 g de azúcar y 110 calorías para toda la bolsa: ¡eso es un 81% menos de azúcar que los otros caramelos de gusanos de goma! Edulcorados inteligentemente con edulcorantes innovadores y de alta calidad alulosa y fruta de monje. <li> MANTENGA EL CARAMELO: Deliciosos dulces gomosos sin gluten que son una opción radicalmente mejor, sin alcoholes de azúcar, azúcar agregada; y edulcorantes artificiales. Elaborado con jugos de frutas y verduras. <li> RICO EN FIBRA: Repleto de 9 gramos de bondad de fibra prebiótica soluble. Tus gominolas favoritas con 3 combinaciones de sabores por bolsa: frambuesa azul + cereza, limonada rosa + melocotón y fresa + piña <li> UNA BOLSA = UNA PORCIÓN: ¡No es necesario adivinar ni contenerse! La porción es la bolsa ENTERA </li>
Smart Sweets Gusanos de goma


Needs more sour!
So first of all, I LOVE that these gummy worms have less sugar and no gelatin: I'm super happy this optin exists for those of us who are vegetarian and/or health conscious! That said, the implementation of these gummy worms isn't perfect. We have tried several Smart Sweets products and the plain gummy worms were our least favourite: they just taste blandly sweet, and don't have any real flavour. The sour ones were MUCH better! Also, the sweetener used does taste distinctly different from real sugar, so it's something to be aware of if that bothers you. All in all, these won't be everyone's cup of tea but are a great option for folks with dietary limitations.
Good flavor
Smart sweets are a sweet gummy worm with only 4 grams of sugar. I couldn’t really taste the difference and I found that I enjoyed these gummy worms as much as I would another brand.
Completely Sweet
We love the Smart Sweets candies, especially the gummy worms. My kids literally can't tell the difference from 'regular' gummy worms and I love that these don't contain any dyes, or an excessive amount of sugar.
These are nice and gummy. The flavor is not very strong. At all. I was hoping for more of a bursting flavor but they were all around decent. I will buy them again because my kids loved them.
Great candy
Taste pretty good yes I'll buy it again The flavors are are good
Like the taste good snak of my son I will recommended
Good sugar substitutes
Of course it's not going to taste as good as real candy but it's a good sugar substitutes. My family loves it and I will definitely be buying more.
Healthy Snack
I actually quite enjoyed these gummy worms and especially liked them knowing they don't contain as much sugar as the snacks/gummies I usually eat. As someone who enjoys snacks/treats, when I came across this brand I just had to try. And I wasn't disappointed. My friend tried them as well and wasn't a huge fan but that's because they prefer sweeter things, but when trying to cut back on sugar, obviously it's not going to be that sweet. But I thoroughly enjoyed them.
Great replacement for sugar!
If you’re trying to kick sugar, or intake less- these are a great replacement. I honestly give these to my kids instead of “real” gummy candies and they love them just the same and I’m able to curb a little bit of sugar off of their diet.
Better Candy Option
I am always looking for ways to reduce the amount of sugar intake in my household. I, personally, love gummy candy, so I bought them for myself and loved them. Now that I have a family, they are the only candy that I will buy for my kids. They are pricey for the amount that you get, so I only buy them occasionally. They have a great taste. I love some of their other flavors as well.
I did not like this
I did not like these at all. The texture is so chewy but hard at the same time it makes it super hard to eat. I also do not like the flavor it is way too sour I do not recommend
Great if sugar sensitivities
I initially try this brand when I started a ketogenic diet. Yes, I was in a diet but to sustain my sporadic sugar cravings these gummy’s hit the spot. Made with monk fruit. They are diabetic and keto friendly. No artificial sugar taste. They are a tad pricey, and by me only found at Whole Foods but still a nice treat.
I tried these as a substitute for other gummy worms. The company has lots of other candy as well which I liked. The texture of these have varied from almost solid to very difficult to chew. I didn't mind, except my teeth did hurt if I ate too much. Still all in all. It's a decent substitute and you still feel like you are getting a sweet treat!
Smart Choice for a candy craving
These taste great but they are harder than your typical gummy candy. I love that they are low on sugar though. Makes for a great healthy option when I am craving candy.
Smart gummy worms
I thought that i wouldnt like it but i was pleasantly surprised. Chewy worm were pretty tasty and on top of it have only 4 grams of sugar!! Its a win win. Plus they taste good. Would definitely recommend

P y R

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