Refrescante de tela Downy removedor de arrugas ligero aroma fresco 33.8 fl oz

4.8 5 0 141 141 Dile adiós a las arrugas en cualquier momento con el renovador de telas Downy Wrinkle Releaser. Simplemente rocíelo sobre su tela, déle un tirón rápido y su fórmula única le permite suavizar las arrugas antiestéticas en segundos. Sin mencionar que agrega un aroma fresco que también te hace sentir más suave. Todo en uno: eliminador de arrugas, eliminador de estática, eliminador de olores, refrescante de telas, ayuda para planchar
Refrescante de tela Downy removedor de arrugas ligero aroma fresco 33.8 fl oz


A Wrinkle Releaser that really WORKS!!!
I love this Downy product so much. I had bought this some years ago since it had been on sale and I have to say I am a regular customer. I usually put the wrinkled item on a hanger and spray away. It works like a dream and works every time! This product is a huge game changer and a must have in my opinion. Having five kids and a husband who used to wear wrinkled clothing from time to time no longer do! I highly recommend this!
Good in a pinch!
I have used this several times, usually when we are running late and me and my kids look like we rolled out of bed to hit the road! It's not a miracle fix, but helps make y'all look less rumpled and frazzled!
Smell is wonderful and wrinkles do release
I love this product. I find it especially useful for when I travel. I put some in a 3 ounce spray bottle and take it with me when I fly. When I get to the hotel, I take my clothing out, hang it up and spray with this Downy wrinkle release. It really does give it a fresh scent and helps with the wrinkles!! Does not irritate my skin. The smell is not overbearing but instead smells so fresh and clean! Have had no issues with product damaging the fabric! Comes out in a nice and even light spray as you may be able to see in my photo.
So handy
Are you one of those people who ends up leaving your clothes in the dryer until they wrinkle and then end up running them through the de-wrinkle cycle, sometimes more than once, before you find time to fold them? There ain't no shame in it, cause we all are guilty of it. That's why I love this product so much. It smells really nice and all you do is spray it on your clothes and run your hands over the fabric to release the wrinkles. Works really well and comes in very handy in a pinch
Great stuff right here folks loved it number one best thing to use ever
Great stuff loved it so much will definitely be buying this product again and again I liked the smell of it smelled so wonderful and good I don’t think anything needs to be changed about this product at all whatsoever pleased to do business with you and definitely a a + product over all definitely recommend rigs and so should you guys recommend it too or. Other people too
Great for travel
This wrinkle releaser is such a great product to have on hand. It's fast acting and leaves everything smelling fresh. You don't have to use a large amount to get results, so your items aren't damp or blotchy after using. This is perfect for traveling or for days when you can't or don't want to iron your items. It works well on clothing, linens, tablecloths, pretty much any fabric.
I use this stuff too much.
As a busy mom, I don't always get my laundry out when its hot and put it away, so its wrinkly. I use this when I'm in a hurry and don't have time to really iron a shirt. I typically spray AND throw it back into the dryer because the whole, "spray and stretch it out" concept doesn't always work well, especially depending on the material. However, if you spray it down really well and throw back in the dryer, you should have a fresh smelling and wrinkle free smock in less than 5 minutes.
Great Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus
Downy wrinkle releaser plus spray is super great get wrinkles out your cloths any time. Yes I would recommend this downy wrinkle releaser.
Maybe I’m not using this correctly but it did NOT work for me! I had some Light wrinkles in some of my laundry and I tried this spray to release them and it did not work. But again, could be user error.
Great product and smells great and would buy again and tell more people.
Instant freshness
This has got to be the most go to product I have ever used. It is so convenient and easy to use. The wonderful smell of this product was the best thing about it
The best for getting wrinkles out when you are in a rush
I love the wrinkle release spray. It smells so good and smooths out wrinkles in your clothes quickly when you are on-the-go. When I have extra time on my hands, I spray a little of this on my shirt/dress and pop it in the dryer for 5-10min and that usually does the trick.
I love Downey its a got to have product, I love the way it smells and it makes everything so soft and fluffy. I love all the different scents. I recommend if you haven't tried, try it
Works Even Without The Iron!
My husband is obsessed with this. I'm not a fan of all the chemicals in it, but I will say, it works the best when compared with other more natural products. If you need to get rid of wrinkles and don't care about ingredients or just need something that will work fast, go with this. It keeps the wrinkles at bay, smells fresh, and works. I just hope they work to create a more natural option.
A must to have .
My husband takes this on trips for his packed shirts it works great and smells good. I have to have this at all times because it’s so easy to use . Even the kids will use this .

P y R

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