Detergente líquido para ropa Xtra Plus OxiClean Crystal Clean 75 oz

4.2 5 0 196 196 XTRA proporciona un rendimiento confiable y una variedad de fragancias a un gran precio. Xtra Plus OxiClean combina el poder de Xtra, la marca líder en American Value (basado en el total de cargas de lavado vendidas), con el poder de Oxi Clean, la marca de aditivos para combatir las manchas en América No 1 (marcas en unidades vendidas). Obtenga una excelente limpieza confiable y la experiencia de la fragancia que ama de Xtra, todo a un excelente precio.
Detergente líquido para ropa Xtra Plus OxiClean Crystal Clean 75 oz


Pretty decent
Smells pretty good, but the scent doesn’t last on clothes. Pretty watery compared to name brand companies.
Xtra happy
I love this laundry soap, budget friendly and works well
Wishy Washy
I've used Xtra Plus Oxiclean detergent, and it's just okay in my book. Does it get clothes clean? Sure. But there's nothing really special about it that makes me want to stick with it. The cleaning power is decent, but I've definitely used other detergents that worked better at getting out tough stains and odors. Xtra Oxiclean is kind of middle-of-the-road in that department. What really gets me though is the price. For a bargain detergent, it's pretty pricey. And in my experience, you can find better quality budget detergents that clean just as well for way less money. The scent is nice I guess but it doesn't really stick around after the wash. And it's nothing to write home about. All in all, Xtra Oxiclean isn't terrible, but it's not great either. If you get it on sale, maybe it's worth trying. But I wouldn't go out of my way or pay full price when there are more impressive and affordable options out there.
Xtra plus oxy clean laundry detergent
I love this laundry soap, this laundry soap smell’s refreshing and is very affordable. I would definitely recommend this laundry soap to anyone
I have tried the extra with oxy I don't prefer it I don't think it gets closes clean as it should it may be good for some me personally no
It's affordable and comes with alot of detergent to do laundry for a big family. It's not one of my favorite scents but it's works to clean laundry.
This xtra could be a bit extra!
I have always thought this bubbles up with a great suds, however the scent is a bit funny to my senses. How can I describe it? A bit chemically to me. I think if you are in a pinch it will work
Xtra clean
I buy this brand all the time it is always at a good price and I can find it at most of the stores I shop at. The only then I don't like is the scent for this one that's pictured. I buy a different scent.
Smells great, left residue
I don't know if this was user/machine error, but this left a filmy residue on some of my clothes. However, this smelled great and all. I just felt that maybe I used too much or that this is more concentrated?
Don't buy
I feel like it's mainly water and doesn't clean the clothes well. It doesn't smell well either
So clean
As someone who does laundry frequently, I am always on the lookout for a detergent that not only gets my clothes clean, but also keeps them smelling fresh and looking bright. This detergent definitely delivered on both fronts. First off, I was drawn to this detergent because of the addition of OxiClean. I have used OxiClean in the past and have always been amazed at how well it removes tough stains and brightens my clothes. So, seeing it included in this detergent was a huge bonus for me. And let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Even my toughest stains, like grass and coffee, were no match for the powerful cleaning action of this detergent. My clothes came out looking like new, without any fading or damage to the fabric.
Gets the job done
It had my clothes washed and cleaned, I liked the scent, and didn’t cause damage to my threads. Really cost efficient. I would buy again if I had to. I would recommend for washing.
Laundry Soap
This smells great. The thing that I didn't like about that laundry soap was after washing and drying my clothes the smell wasn't that strong. I love the clean springy scent
Xtra Oxi Clean
For the most part this product does clean but doesn't get the stains out. There are suds so I know it cleans plus there is a scent but to be honest if I could afford something better I'd buy it.
One of my favs
I don’t mind using this economical detergent on bedding to give the room a nice smell. It is too strong of a scent bff or me to use on my clothing. I’m very sensitive to smells and have sensitive skin.

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