ORIJEN® Senior Dog 4.5 LB Dry Dog Food

4.7 5 0 61 61 Orijen’s Biologically Appropriate senior dog food nourishes your dog as nature intended by focusing on their biological need for meat and a protein-rich diet. Older dogs need a diet filled with meat and protein to promote lean muscle mass and a healthy body weight. Orijen senior is made with a blend of free-run chicken and turkey, wild-caught Fish, and cage-free eggs that deliver proper nutrition to your senior dog. orijen pet food strives to give your dog the most Biologically Appropriate and nourishing diet possible. Prepared exclusively in orijen’s privately owned dog Star kitchen, This savory, nutrient-dense diet features fresh, regional ingredients that are harvested by people We know and trust, and delivered to our kitchen fresh or raw. Orijen foods follow the wholeprey philosophy, featuring whole Animal ingredients that mirror what an animal would eat in nature, including meat, organs, and cartilage or bone, with none of the gluten, potato, or tapioca that typify conventional dog food. The result is a protein-rich recipe that’s loaded with a variety of fresh, quality animal ingredients to keep your canine companion happy, healthy, and thriving.
ORIJEN® Senior Dog 4.5 LB Dry Dog Food


Good quality
So my dog has bad teeth (unable to be put under anesthesia) and this food worked out great for him because it's soft enough to chew. Also no complaints about flavor and it seems to be of good quality! So I'm happy with this and he seems to be too!
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My dog is picky and likes this
My dog is super picky and for some reason thinks he is royalty. He really liked this food! I liked the way his coat felt and maybe it's just me but he seemed to shed less too!
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Orijen Senior dry dog food
I tried ORIJEN Senior Dog 4.5 LB Dry Dog Food for my dog. I like that they use the best ingredients available in this kibble, and that it's 85% quality animal ingredients. They use fresh and raw ingredients without adding any unnecessary fillers or anything overly processed. You can feel good about giving Orijen dog food to your dog and that they will be getting the proper nutrition from it. It was easy to transition over to Orijen and my dog seemed to enjoy this dog food very much. Overall this is a great high quality dog food that would help your dog look and feel their best.
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Great dog food
My dog absolutely loves this dog food. I have a 10yr chihuahua that has struggled with a sensitive stomach all his life. This blend of food doesn't upset his stomach at all. He really enjoys this and I'm going to half to swith to this brand from now on.
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My senior dog loves it
My senior female yorkie enjoys this dog food. Her stomach tolerates this brand more than previous brands. It’s made with high quality ingredients that I feel confident feeding my dog!
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Nutritional; but My dog did NOT like it
At 12 years old, I have a very picky male Pitbull pup and I find it hard to get him to try new & different foods. I'd heard about all the nutritional health benefits from Orijen's Senior blend dog food and I decided to give it a try... UGH.. I am so sorry I did - it was a huge flop!! Keithee would not go anywhere near it. He'd sniff at it and then walk away or he'd push his food dish all the way across the kitchen floor and then walk away. I will definitely NOT be getting Orijen again.
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Good Dog Food
My dog is very picky & he usually does not do well when switching foods. However, he did really like this dog food and I was surprised! He is an older dog so change is usually never an option here, but he did enjoy this food.
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Sorry but not a fan
First off I have to say my senior dog (Fancy) is a very picky eater. I was hoping maybe this food would be something she would enjoy but didn't. The nuggets where a bit to big for her, like most senior dogs she has lost some teeth. So it would make it had for her to chew., if she would of even given it a chance. When I opened the bag it smelled like fish a big turn off for me even though I like fish I didn't care for the smell at all.Sorry just not for her.
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My dog loves it!
I’m pretty sure the quality of this dog food is amazing! My dog was so crazy in love of this brand. It has many nutrients that I was totally fine including it to my dog’s diet.
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Better food
This was perfect for my 8 year old best friend. He really enjoyed eating it and he’s a picky eater.
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Quality kibble
I used to work at chewy.com and Orijen was always the highest quality food you could give your fur baby. Love that the ingredients are high quality. My senior husky prefers Orijen to the other brands for sure and she is one picky lady!
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My dogs love it
Having 2 very picky dogs it is hard to find food they really like however this one is a big winner. All I have to do is shake the bag and they come running. I highly recommend it for your fur baby.
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My dog enjoyed the food. I was very happy to be able to give him this and to see him enjoy it. He is an older dog and, just like humans, the food animals consume can be detrimental to their health. A healthy lifestyle is so important to both me and my dog. I am very thankful to see this product and having natural ingredients is a huge bonus!
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Love it
This dog food from Orajen is loved by my dogs. They can't get enough of it. The ingredients are brilliant! Your pet will appreciate this food! Only complaint would be the price.
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Doggy food
My dog absolutely loved it hes very fickle on foods definitely will buy again and will reccomend to all my friends and family seemed to have a good texture too............... ...
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