ORIJEN® Dry Dog Food High Protein Amazing Grains Regional Red 4lb

4.7 5 0 91 91 ORIJEN® Amazing Grains is packed with fresh or raw animal protein and enhanced with hand-selected grains to give your dog peak nourishment. With 90%* premium animal ingredients, ORIJEN Regional Red with Amazing Grains includes WholePrey ingredients from beef, wild boar, goat, lamb and wild-caught mackerel. These nutrient-dense animal ingredients provide your dog with the protein, vitamins and minerals they need to thrive. We’ve also added only the most amazing grains in a high-quality blend of oats, quinoa and chia and more, hand-selected to provide a balanced fiber ratio that helps support your dog’s digestive health. Nourish your dog completely with the amazing animal protein and quality grains found in ORIJEN Amazing Grains. *Approximate and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients. Our fresh ingredients use refrigeration as the sole method of preservation and our raw ingredients are frozen at their peak freshness.
ORIJEN® Dry Dog Food High Protein Amazing Grains Regional Red 4lb


Great Quality
My dogs really enjoyed the new food. As an owner I was happy with the quality of the food and the ingredients that were used. I could see improvement in the coat of our large dog.
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Good quality ingredients
I loved the packaging and ingredients, they were high quality, unfortunately neither of my dogs liked the taste of the food and would not eat it.
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Dog loves it
My dog loves this food. He can be picky about food but eats every bite of this one. He’s very active so he needs a high protein diet and this food checks all the boxes. I would absolutely recommend this high quality dog food.
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Baby Girl LOVED this Food!!
My baby girl Casey Jo loved this food! She gobbled it right up! She usually has slight intolerance to some foods, but she did not have any problems with this brand. I will be looking into switching in the near future!!
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Picky eater loves it
Pancho my fur baby is very picky when it comes about food and he won’t eat kibble or dry food by himself, I have been cooking for him and he loves what I cook always, so when I introduced Orijen to Pancho he went to eat from his bowl by himself. I couldn’t believe it, he loves Orijen Regional red, after 3 weeks feeding him with Orijen he still likes it, so I’m very happy that I can feed him with Orijen and saves me some time during the week.
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Tasty and Healthy
My dog was so excited to try the ORIJEN Dry Dog Food High Protein Amazing Grains. He ate it so fast the first time, I'm not sure he chewed anything. It was that good he thought. Second time he ate it a little bit slower and you could hear the crunch.
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Just OK
The dogs loved it, but that really doesn't say much, they love all food. LOL The thing I did not like about it is the gas that it produced in both my little dogs. OMG, it was terrible. I looked on the website, the cost is very prohibitive.
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My dog's new favorite
I wanted to change up my dogs foods so I gave this product a try. My dog really like it and ate everything in her bowl which was surprising because she is usually picky. Now she is excited to eat this for breakfast + dinner.
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My dog loves it!
Excellent dog food that is made with premium 90% animal ingredients and my dog actually loves it! It is easy on her stomach and does not give her any digestion problems. Her coat looks shinier than it has been in a long time too, definitely very pleased with it!
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High Quality Ingredients!
This food seems to have great ingredients! I’m always looking for dog foods without legumes and potatoes that ALSO have meat (not by product meal) as the first ingredient for my mini aussie boy. This food did not disappoint! My boy loved it and ate every morsel and I’m happy that it’s good for him!
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New food for us!
My dogs went CRAZY over Orijen's Amazing Grains Regional Red dog food. My dogs are always excited when it comes to dinner time, but knowing that I'm still giving my dogs fresh product with the grains they need helped me feel confident in my choice to feed this to them. Dinner time was exciting for them every day with this food. It didn't upset my youngest's tummy (his tummy gets upset pretty often!) and my oldest was more excited for dinner than he has been in a while. We started to slowly mix it into their food to get them used to it and increased it until they had it exclusively in their bowls. I've since purchased more product to keep them on this food because it was such a hit!
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Great Food
I am very happy with this food! The ingredients are impressive, as it states, the first five ingredients are real meat ingredients. My dog was immediately interested in the smell and started eating right away. My dog often gets bored with food very quickly and then finishing the package is a struggle. So far she has stayed interested in this food. She definitely prefers this food over the other food she was eating preciously and she doesn't leave any left in the bowl. The kibble size is good and the food looks fresh. I also like that the package is resealable and closes easily.
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Orijen Amazing Grains Regional Reds
The Orijen Amazing Grains Regional Reds is a high protein dog food with its protein sourced from fresh and raw animal ingredients of flesh, bone and organ meats rather than by-product meals. The manufacturer says these proteins are always the first five ingredients. Other ingredients include, vitamins, minerals, pre and probiotics, and soluble and insoluble fiber. Despite the raw and fresh proteins, no refrigeration is needed.For the price, I would have expected little to no grains. My fur baby girl DID become very enthusiastic about ity for about 4 feedings, then less so. If I buy it again, I will feed it as a special treat.
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Excellent dog food & ingredients
I highly recommend this brand! I love the list of ingredients and my dogs love it too. I top the dry kibble with a little bit of wet food to moisten the kibble and my dogs love eating it I never have any trouble and they are picky eaters
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Love it
I opened the bag and my German shepherd followed me around like she was on a leash. I poured some in here bowl, several times and she kept looking fir more! I have never see her react to food like this
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