Icy Hot Base No Mess 2.5 oz.

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Icy Hot Base No Mess 2.5 oz.


Roll on pain relief is safer... keeping it off your hands.
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Best pain relief, now easier to apply.
This made it so much easier for me to apply my favorite brand of pain relief. I can now reach my shoulders and back and can apply this to myself. It helps to have immediate relief. I will buy more of this and keep it on hand for the future.
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Yes! Buy!
I liked that I was able to apply the icy hot without getting it all over my hands. It lasted a really long time also. It penetrated the pain down to the center of my knee to help relieve the pain. I really reccommend this!
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Works wonders
It helped my sore muscles it was wonderful I love it and would recommend it.
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Definitely recommend
The icy hot roll on product was just what I needed. I do a great physical job and from time to time get stiff muscles in my back. This did wonders and I didn’t have to make a mess
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Works great! Strong menthol odor.
I received a free sample of Icy Hot Base No Mess 2.5 oz. to review from home Tester Club. I have used Icy Hot and other similar products in the past, so I am relatively familiar with the brand, but this was my first time using the No Mess version. First off, since all of the gyms are closed, I wasn't able to use the Icy Hot for the purposes I normally would. Typically, I would use Icy Hot to help relieve some of the muscle ache/soreness I might experience after a strenuous workout at the gym. I've been using the Icy Hot, with the assistance of my husband, for some lower back pain that I've been experiencing lately. It does have a very strong smell, so I make sure to always put on a shirt of afterwards, otherwise your bed sheets might start to smell like the product. I do think that for some people the menthol smell and the burn associated with using the product might be a bit much, so I would recommend that you be careful when first using it.
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It worked pretty well.
I used it on a sore muscle on my lower back. It took a lil time to work but when it kicked in it did help.
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Convenient and portable
So far this seems like a great portable alternative to the regular gel or cream-based pain relievers which of course will create less mess and prevent the smell from lingering on your hands. I think this is a great idea and more products should consider doing this too!
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Icy Hot Roller Review
I used it on my husband who has been having tightness and pain in his shoulders and neck the last few days. It appeared to be helping during the initial application but after a few minutes he didn't like the feeling. It didn't seem to have any long term effects and 30 minutes later he was in the same amount of pain. I didn't see the effectiveness in this product enough to purchase it.
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Great product
I love this Icy Hot abase No Mess because of the way you don’t have to worry about getting it all over your hands. I have used other Icy Hot products before and ended up having to wash my hands so many times to get the smell off my hands. With the Icy Hot No Mess it is easy to apply and there is no mess to clean up
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Easy application
The rollerball application made Icy Hot really easy to use. It was completely mess free.
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Hands stay clean
It works well and you don't have to get your hands messy. I just wish it penetrated the skin deeper. It still has the icy hot smell though but it works.
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Personal Use: Having suffered from neck, shoulder, mid and lower back pain, I used to have used this roller almost everywhere. I also recently sprained my thumb rolled this all over my joint and palm, then wrapped an ace bandage to secure the thumb and palm. Worked great. I woudl say this helps will sorts of muscle/joint issues
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Good product for pain release.
I used at night on my lower back to release the pain that I had. The next day the pain was gone.
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Works amazing
Is amazing on how well it works without being messy. It continues working even after hours that you have applied it.
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