4.5 5 0 71 71 Nicotine Coated Gum 4MG Cinnamon Flavor / Stop Smoking Aid


Takes the edge off
This nicotine gum doesn't burn my mouth like others have and I enjoy the cinnamon flavor best of all it really takes the edge off when I'm having a nicotine fit while trying to quit smoking.
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Works great!
These are actually really good! They have really helped well with helping me to cut back on smoking cigarettes. I have been a smoker for a few years and had wanting to quit and with the help of this amazing product I have cut back drastically on smoking. As soon as I wake up each morning I automatically chew me a piece of these gum piece. I like they cinnamon flavor very much so. The flavor last the whole time and isn’t to tacky. If your like me and want to cut back or quit smoking all together this is a wonderful product you’ll want to try! It’s been a great help to me and I can’t wait to purchase another couple of packs.
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Time to stop smoking!
I tried Equate Nicotine 4mg Cinnamon Coated USP GUM in 20ct package and compared to other nicotine gums i was pretty surprised at how good it tasted! It didn't leave that weird filmy taste in my mouth and definitely helped keep my cravings at bay. I've tried a lot of products to try to quit smoking and i've had the most success from Equate Cinnamon coated nicotine gum! would recommend!
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Nicotine Gum
This is the best tasting most effective nicotine gum I have tried! I used it every morning when I usually have my first cigarette and it really helped the craving go away! I would definitely recommend this!
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Great Nicotine gum that actually works
The Equate Nicotine Cinnamon Coated Usp Gum is delicious. The flavor was long lasting and took away my want for a cigarette.
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Kick the habit
Received these and had my husband test them. He enjoyed the flavor of them. He gets antsy when in need of a cigarette but found they curbed his urge. Going to buy more to help him quit smoking.
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I personally do not smoke but my husband tried them and he said they we’re good, he loved the cinnamon taste and did nit leave an after taste either. He would definitely consider buying them again, he had no urges of smoking for a few hours.
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Smooth craving buster.
This gum helped ease my cravings. There is just the right level of cinnamon in it. It lasts long. It's a quality product.
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Great for Cravings
This nicotine gum product is great for soothing those cigarette cravings for hours. Great cinnamon flavor too. I would recommend.
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Slow the sensation of wanting cigarette.
I have tried Equate Nicotine 4MG Cinnamon coated USP Gum. The taste is cinnamon and does mot have any adverse taste. I start in the morning within 30 minutes of waking up. It does not make me jittery or feel any different. After a few days I do not feel that I need to smoke a cigarette right away. I think within time I will be able to go a longer time without wanting a cigarette. Overall the taste is pleasing and I don't feel I need a cigarette. I guess chewing gum may help my goal to stop smoking.
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Equate Nicotine Cinnamon Coated Gum worked great for me. The first day I was smoking less, and it has started me on my journey to finally quit. I love cinnamon flavored gum, so the flavor was great and not overpowering. Definitely recommend!
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Very Effective & I Recommend It!
EQUATE NICOTINE CINNAMON COATED USP GUM 20CT. worked well for me and is comparable to the most expensive brands available. It was highly effective in assisting me to stop smoking. I am now a non-smoker thanks to this product. The gum allowed my mind to stay pre-occupied when I felt boredom creeping in and after eating a meal, especially. It has a great taste of cinnamon and the flavor is long Lasting. I highly recommend this product to assist anyone who wants to stop using tobacco with nicotine and other harsh chemicals.
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Great product
Did seem to help with cravings in the small amount of time Ive been using it.
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Really works and taste great!!
This gum has definitely helped curb my cigarette cravings. I'll chew a piece each time I feel a craving for a cigarette and it calms the need for a smoke. I’ve already cut back from a pack a day to about 12 or 13 cigs a day. It also has a great, long lasting cinnamon taste and is easy to chew. I will definitely be purchasing more and continue my goal of quitting. It really helps and I would recommend to any smoking that is trying to quit!
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Quit Smoking
I am trying to quit smoking and the Equate Nicotine gum is helping with that. I really enjoy the Cinnamon flavor, it doesn't taste like regular nicotine gum.
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