Children’s Tylenol® Dissolve Pack

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Children’s Tylenol® Dissolve Pack


Powder Tylenol
My son said it was gross . He wanted chewable. The powder made him gag
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Great for on the go.
I liked that it is ibuprofen free and aspirin free and no water is needed.
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A new contender!
Overall my experience with Children's Tylenol Dissolve Pack was very positive. There was a lot of convenience to the format and my child liked the taste somewhat. My only qualm was that it felt like a waste when and if your child doesn't actually finish their drink. We definitely preferred this new option over pills and even chew but, I think it still place second compared to it's liquid counterpart.
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New and Improved
My son had a fever and it is hard to get him to take medicine, but when I showed him all he had to do was pour it on his tongue it made it so much easier for us both. The taste wasnt bad and he didnt have to try and swallow a pill. Great idea
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great experience
it was so easy to give and i like how you can bring them with you and has a great taste.
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I absolutely love giving this to my child. He takes it without a fight thinks it's something special. So perfect for my picky boy.
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Definitely my go to
Usually medications take an hour to work for my son but this one didn’t take as long and he didn’t mind the taste at all
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Why wasn't this on the market yrs ago?
It is definitely better than liquid or dissolvable tablet form. Much easier, less hassle!
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My son miracle Tylenol
My child loved this Tylenol because that it was excellent without a bitter. Taste and that it tasted good and that he didn't need any water for itdissolves in the mouth without water.
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Perfect for on the Go
The dissolving Tylenol is perfect for a mom to keep in her purse for on the go pain reliever. My child did not make a fuss like he does with liquid.
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Good idea!
I received Children's Tylenol Dissolve Pack to test and give feedback on. My son is 9 years old and tried this product. It worked well for him and I love that he can take it on the go without having to have something to drink, like with a pill. It also had a pleasant taste, not like to pills he was used to taking. I do wish that my younger son, who is 4, would have been able to try it. This is something I will definitely recommend to other moms, and i will purchase in the future!
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Very easy and works quickly, son tolerated the taste. He usually hated everything, so this is good
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Perfect for on the go!
I actually got my sample right before we left for vacation. We went to Disney and Universal, and lots of walking means lots of leg pain for my two kiddos. These came in handy while we were at the parks.
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Quick and Easy to Dispense
As soon as our kids went back to school, two of them got sick with a sore throat, coat and mild fever. Instead of our usual liquid pain relief and fever reducer, I gave them the Children’s TYLENOL® Dissolve Packs. The pros: It was convenient and easy to dispense, not messy at all, and they did say that it tasted good, just a little tart. You don't necessarily need water, but both of them requested a glass of water to wash it down with because they said it made their mouth feel dry. The cons: It wears off quickly, needs to be dispensed every 4 hours, doesn't last 8 - 12 like the other products we normally use. There aren't very many servings in the container. This box contained only 18 packets. I assumed a dose would be 1 packet, but the directions said I needed to use 2 packets for our 10 year old and 3 for our 11 year old, so we ran out very fast. I used 10 packets on day 1 and didn't have enough for both of them to have 2 doses the next day.
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Never thought my kids would ask for meds
Very easy to get my children to take and they liked the taste so much they actually reminded me when it was time for their next dose. The individual packets are super convenient for taking on the go or storing extra in the diaper bag.
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