Benadryl - Allergy Plus Congestion Ultratabs

4.7 5 0 293 293 Get allergy relief you can trust + fast congestion relief with Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion Ultratabs Tablets. Combining allergy relief with nasal congestion relief, Benadryl Allergy + Congestion dries runny noses and provides relief of stuffy noses so you can breathe better.
Benadryl - Allergy Plus Congestion Ultratabs


Quick and long lasting relief.
Didn’t take long for symptoms to improve. Started out gradually and before you realize, it has done its job for totally and long lasting relief.
Helps me get through the day.
When the dreaded allergies hit and I need a quick fix, this always works. I am able to resume work or activities as normal.
Works like a charm!
Works like a charm and knocks me out and I wake up feeling better!
This is a Lifesaver
I am constantly dealing with severe allergies ms this is one of the only this that helps. A little bit after taking it I’m back to feeling like a person again. I keep a pack in the car, the kitchen, my bedroom, it’s a lifesaver.
Only thing that helps!
My husband gets terrible allergies and we have tried everything to help. These are the only pills that work! He feels relief 30 minutes after taking them and is able to continue about the day!
Great for allergies
As someone who suffers from seasonal allergies, the Benadryl with congestion relief has been the only thing that consistently helps me. It clears up a runny nose, any itching, irritation and sneezing, for some it causes drowsiness but I don’t get that. It just cuts the issue away quickly and efficiently.
Daughters allergies
I bought these for me daughter when she first started showing signs of allergies. They helped her a lot. They took the itching away, helped with redness and swelling.we later found out that she is allergic to our cat and her pediatrician put her on a prescription but these will always be our fallback medication
Good but not better than normal benadryl
This was an effective product, but I didn’t feel a significant difference from normal Benadryl, which reliably helps with congestion on its own. Diphenhydramine is the ingredient that seems to provide the most relief from allergies and congestion.
Works great
My family uses this and it works great for us with our seasonal allergies
Not good
These do not work for me. I will not buy again. Did not help congestion at all
Living in the south we are surrounded by allergens most of the year and are always looking for a product that works fast and gets you breathing clear quickly. This. Is. It! A must for any medicine cabinet.
Benadryl Allergy Plus
The reason behind the 2 stars is because I actually ended up having an allergic reaction to this brand, now the regular pink pill Benadryl always works well, I just thought I’d give the allergy plus a try because sometimes my allergies can go haywire !
Helps tremendously
I have a beautiful dog i’m unfortunately allergic too, Taking this helps whenever I start having a flare up and I’m in love with it
Works every time!
If you are in need of a medicine over the counter that works fast, this is definitely a great choice. Perfect for anyone who is experiencing congestion, runny nose, and other allergy related symptoms. The tablets are easy to swallow and I like that I can take them during the day without feeling drowsy.
Works amazing
Benadryl is an absolute staple in any medicine cabinet. I of course use it religiously during allergy season, but I use it all year round as well.. periodically throughout the year I use it because I also have indoor Allen allergies to things like dust. In addition to that, if I'm feeling difficulty sleeping coming on I will take a Benadryl and that typically solves the problem. Lastly, occasionally my hands get itchy and they blow up like balloons it's awful. I absolutely have to take Benadryl along with the topical medication and without the Benadryl there's just no relief. Benadryl is just a tried and true godsend for a multitude of reasons. I highly recommend of course.

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