Eat Real Hummus Chips Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar

4.7 5 0 166 166 Lentils, quinoa, chickpeas and veg, drenched in unexpected flavour combinations. We pore over every grain, every pinch, every chip, to bring you snacks you can’t help but relish.
Eat Real Hummus Chips Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar


Perfect snack
I'm always on the lookout for tasty but healthy snacks, and I loved this when I first tried them. It's crunchy and tasty, but not too high in kcal, so perfect if like me you're trying to keep your weight under control
Eat Real Hummous crisps.
As a crisp lover, I absolutely love the idea of a healthy crisp! Finally a bag of crisps that don’t make you feel guilty at getting to the bottom of the bag! Delicious taste and great crunch to them. When you do get to the bottom of the bag, they don’t leave your lips stinging like most salt and vinegar flavoured crisps. 10/10 for me.
Amazing with hummus
Really enjoyed the taste of these and really are amazing at scooping just the right amount of hummus with each bite.
Sea salt and vinegar
There ok taste. Can eat just for a snack
Not to my taste
Not a fan of these I like something with a kick to it these were very bland and wouldn’t recommend far more tastier ones out there
Lovely tasty snack but not filling
I bought these as a savoury snack for late afternoon. Taste and texture are great. I like all the ingredients, but the only reason I gave it 4 stars and not 5 is that it didn't really fill me up and fancied eating something else straight after. Next time, I 'll use this as part of a platter with dips and other snacks.
Light snack with a delicate taste.
I like these - but don't love 'em and wouldn't buy as a go-to.... The taste is good but subtle and I find them too light to be really satisfying. Maybe they taste just a little too ... healthy? I prefer a slightly more naughty tasting snack!
Yummy yummy
Great tasty. Definitely recommend this product
Fun crisps
I tried these a while ago and wanted to share my thoughts. I think the overall taste is great, good flavour combinations and great tasting crisps. I think the bags are too large and encourages you to eat they all in one sitting!
Very moreish
These are a brilliant alternative to real clips which are high in saturated fat. I regularly buys these as a nice healthy snack.
Crunchy bite with great flavour
I love the Hummus chips, they are crunchy and delicious, the sea salt and balsamic flavour was great, very delicious but not too strong. I enjoy eating mine with a hummus or a tomato salsa - perfect shape for scooping up dips - but just as good on their own.
Very tasty snack
It’s very rare to find a Hummus snack that is salt and vinegar. These chips were not too sour and were very addictive. I would buy them again.
Very nice I will definitely buy again this stuff can recommend
Tasty and leaves you wanting more
Really enjoy these. They taste good and a great snack. Keep me going at work if I have a late lunch
Great vegan snack for sharing
These are honestly a staple weekly purchase in our household. Being split between half of us vegan and half not, it’s great when a product can be enjoyed by everyone. They have a lovely flavour and there’s also quite a lot in each bag so one large bag tends to go round the whole family

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