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會員註冊時間 : 12 九月 2017

  • 家庭測試員
  • 3 點評
  • 0 上傳

點評人: christopher

BAND-AID® Brand Skin-Flex Large Adhesive Pad 6ct


The product was brilliant for abrasions upon my knee where I had hurt them carrying materials into a client's house for a remodel the adhesive lasted all day covering the entire wound upon my left knee

Cottonelle® Flushable Wet Wipes


The wipes were large enough and moist enough though the adhesive cover needs better adheres methods..flushable and a must..Thank you!

Refresh Relieva™ Lubricant Eye Drops


My friend is Doctor and recommend a OTC for me which is priced the same as this Product. Though the free trial product helped a wee bit at very first application; though the major ingredients is: Glycerin and a small amount of Sodium..The lasting was not Lasting at all! The Glycerin was oily ,as well left a residue around my eyes which seemed to disturb the skin around my eyes.. I shall hang on to the kind coupons that were enclosed in the sampler...Just in case! Thank You, for the opportunity to test and review..Mr. Christopher P. Kennedy+