The crack of the chocolate as you first bite into one, followed by the soft, sweet marshmallow, finished off with the perfect biscuit base, makes this a mouthwatering treat for any occasion. Go on, have another, you deserve it!
Home Tester
83 Reviews
Home Tester
83 Reviews
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Not my favourite
I’m not a big fan of these. They are exactly what they say they are but I wouldn’t buy them for myself. They just aren’t my thing.
Open a packet, watching a movie, go to share around and wonder why the look of death from everyone ooops sorry, empty packet. Sooo my favourite, glad the quality and taste haven't changed over the years. Still prefer the original.
3 Reviews
3 Reviews
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My all time favourite.
I have been eating these tasty little morsels since I was a child. Not only do they bring back nostalgia for me but they've remained very consistent. I purchase them weekly. They are a special treat which we enjoy with favourite hot beverage.
I love mallowpuffs!!! they are, have been and will always be my favorite biscuit! I loved them as a child and they still taste the same to me as they always did. I dont think you can improve on such a wonderful product. well done Griffins!!!
Laura ()
Laura ()
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Jo (Christchurch)
Courtney (1051)
Courtney (1051)
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Katarina (Christchurch)
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Joanne (Waitara)
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Kacey (Rotorua)
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Larnie (Rd2)
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Alieshia (New Zealand)
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Yolanda (Onerahi)
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Lina (Manurewa)
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Diana (Netherby)
Catherine (Auckland)
Catherine (Auckland)