Vanish OxiAction Fabric Stain Remover

4.7 5 0 184 184 单靠洗衣剂不足以去除顽固污渍以及保护衣物。 在您的日常洗衣的时候,只需添加 1 勺 Vanish OxiAction,无需擦洗,即可帮助去除多达 100 种类型的污渍。 <br> <br> Vanish 是一款多功能洗衣助剂,可提亮颜色、去除异味、杀灭 99.9% 的病毒和细菌,并得到 Dettol 的认可。 而且它不含漂白剂和氯,可用于您最喜爱的彩色衣服。 Vanish OxiAction 是您去除顽固污渍的最佳帮手!
Vanish OxiAction Fabric Stain Remover


Hard on tough stain,makes life easier
What I love about Vanish OxiAction Fabric Stain Remover,as mother of 4 I always stress about my kids' school clothes.With this,I don't need to brush stains anymore.Put a scoop in washing machine or soak for 1 hour and put in wasing machine already pull off all the dirts.Thank you for making my life easier!!!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Vanish OxiAxtion is reallu good to use as stain remover if you dont want to harsh you cloth.
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Safe, healthy and proven
This product works well and safe to use for our environment.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
我试用了 vanish这个洗衣粉,效果让我很惊讶~没想到可以把衣服洗得很香很干净~比我之前用的效果更好
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Saya telah mencuba Vanish OxiAction Fabric Stain Remover ke atas baju sekolah anak saya.Hanya rendam sahaja kotoran hilang.Tak perlu diberus lagi.Ianya sangat berkesan untuk meghilangkan kotoran degil.
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Vanish OxiAction Fabric Stain Remover
effective stain removers for clothing. very useful product. love it!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
我女儿在学校是穿白色校服,每天都把衣服弄到脏兮兮的,我用了Vanish OxiAction Fabric Stain Remover,它不能完全有效清除污垢,还是有残留着一些洗不掉的污迹。
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Effectively perfect for busy mum like me
Very helpful and effective for busy mum like me. Just soak it without need to scrub with much effort my clothes shine like new. In love with this product !!
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removes stains & odour, brightens colour
Vanish OxiAction Fabric Stain Remover helps to brighten up my clothes’ colour after use. Besides that it also helps to remove some of the tough stains effectively. It is safe to use without damaging the clothes.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Awesome, nice scent, safe to skin
This is the best thing i ever try!!! Scent smell so good compare to others, and i feel my cloth color become more colorful after use it. And the most important, it has anti bacteria function. We need it so much.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
My life never so easy
I use it to wash my kids cloths, it was never so easy to wash the food stain, last time I need to wash with my hand, but with this product I can use the washing machine to have same clean result
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Mommy's best laundry helper!
my young children always leave their oily food stain or ice-cream stain, or muddy stains on their shirts and pants, with OxiAction, it really lighten my worry and easily get removed!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
This product works as promised
Trustworthy brand! Vanish OxiAction Fabric Stain Remover does exactly as what they promised. It removes all kind of stains on my clothes such as ketchup, coffee, and cider... after rub and leave it on there for a few minutes then go through the normal clothes washing process, it came out completely clean! We are impressed as it also worked on old, stubborn stains and 500g last a long time.
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Sangat terbaik Varnish untuk pakaian
Sangat berkesan dalam mencuci pakaian berwarna yang kotor tanpa melunturkan warna pd pakaian..
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Convenient Easy to buy
Can find it everywhere and easy to use. I will consider to buy it
  • 家庭测试 免费产品



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