Tracia Lightening Shower Cream

4.6 5 0 269 269 Tracia Lightening Shower Cream羊奶沐浴露,能在沐浴的同时使肌肤白皙柔嫩。富含天然成分精华,不含苯甲酸酯或酒精,而且是无皂配方,可以放心每天使用,让肌肤保持光滑。它也含有维他命C,能逐渐淡化肤色,让您拥有更加白皙漂亮的肌肤。丰富的泡沫,清洁身体之余,还提供持久的芳香,让您感觉备受宠爱。
Tracia Lightening Shower Cream


Tidak melekit, wangi, melembutkan kulit.
tracia lightening shower cream adalah mandian yang Tidak melekit, menjadikan kulit lembut selembut salju, wangiannya tahan sepanjang hari serta mencerahkan kulit saya. Saya dan keluarga sangat menyukai tracia shower cream..
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Very smooth to use and it also lighten
I love tracia lightening shower becauae i lughtens my skin which is the first criteria i search in shower product
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moist and nice
moist my sensitive skin and beauty my skin my kids also like it
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I Love it
自从使用了Tracia Lightening Shower Cream, 皮肤变得更光滑,味道芳香,会推荐给家人使用
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Smell last longer & skin become smooth.
Unlike other brand i use, Tracia smell last longer even 1 wash and my skin become smooth.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
gentle, aroma, moisture
I was a user of Tracia Goat Shower Cream before my first pregnancy. I was changed to others brand due to skin allergic that caused by hormone change. This Tracia Lightening Shower Cream with Goat Milk & Shea Butter has better aroma than before. I can feel that my skin are moisture and smooth after every use. I would consider to switch to this brand.
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Suitable for baby also
Suitable for my baby 6 month also, easy to use & good aroma
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Smooth, Good aroma and gently on skin.
I really thankful for home tester give me the free trial and let me try on the product ,I like it bcoz of the aroma smell after apply you will feel your skin smooth and moist.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Lightening my skin and smell nice
It really lightens my skin and i feel really refreshing after the bath
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Nourishing, moisture, lasting
The shower cream leaves my skin moisture and smooth. Nice aroma and long lasting leave on my skin
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Soft,smooth and nice smell
It makes my skin smooth silky and i love the smell
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Gently to skin and fragrance smell
Good product gently to skin . Nice and fragrant smell
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我得到的是 rose & hibiscus的沐浴露,使用后,感觉肌肤被滋润了,香味也很持久。泡沫也很足够。。
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Gentle to skin, acceptable smell
I have never tried Tracia product before, one of the reason is because the packaging is not attractive. Of course after I tried the product, I am surprise of the gentle smooth texture which leave my skin smoother. And of all the products that I have tried, this is not the best but definitely I will consider to buy this. The smell is also acceptable, don’t really like those strong scented smell, Tracia definitely don’t have strong smell but is only mild and gentle smell.
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Pertama kali saya menggunakan Tracia Lightening Shower Cream,saya sudah jatuh cinta..dengan keharuman & melembutkan kulit..anak bongsu saya suka akan produk ini..wangi katanya😆
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