Nippon Paint Momento® Special Effect Paint - Textured Series (Sparkle Silver)

4.7 5 0 269 269 将您家中一成不变的墙面粉刷成光鲜亮丽的杰作吧。 <p>Nippon Paint Momento® Special Effect Paint 特殊效果涂料,让您在家中重现意大利工艺的特殊作品,它独特的效果能让您家中普通的墙面变成一幅非凡的特殊墙面。 <p>产品功能: <br> • 容易使用 <br> • 创造出闪亮及有光泽的纹理饰面 <br> • 环保, 少气味, 低 VOCs <br> • 持久 <br> • 不含铅或水银,无甲醛 <br> • 有助于隐藏不平整的墙面
Nippon Paint Momento® Special Effect Paint - Textured Series (Sparkle Silver)


Definitely the best paint for beginners like me. They are simple to create yet so impactful.
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Nippon Paint Momento® Special Effect Paint has a very nice colour especially after you have applied it on your wall. It is ver easy to apply and easy to dry. it is very suitable for a small space wall or even a big space wall. You also can select from a variety of colour that you like
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Use the paint for my daughter room. The colour fit the theme, make the room space look wider.
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I just painted a side of my wall with Nippon Momento, overall I'm pretty satisfied. #htcmyxnipponpaintmomento #nipponpaintmy #paintallsurfaces #hometesterclubmy
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Make your life colorful. Start today, not tomorrow.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Pada pendapat saya, Nippon Paint Momento Special Effect Paint membuatkan ruang di rumah saya menjadi lebih menarik, cantik, tiada bau dan lebih eksklusif.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Saya telah mencuba Nippon Paint Momento® Special Effect Paint dan berasa sangat teruja dengan efek kilauan dan kilatan yang menjadikan ruang tamu saya lebih menarik dan mempersonakan. Sangat mudah untuk diaplikasikan hanya dengan menggunakan toolkit yang diberikan dan mengikut tutorial dari Youtube. Keseluruhannya, saya sangat berpuas hati dan sememangnya tidak rugi untuk dicuba.😊 #htcmyxnipponpaintmomento #nipponpaintmy #paintallsurfaces #hometesterclubmy
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The effect so nice. Easy to apply. Must buy it! #htcmyxnipponpaintmomento #nipponpaintmy #paintallsurfaces #hometesterclubmy
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Not smelly, easy application and nice and colourful effect after apply
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Its my first time trial nippon paint momento special effect paint. Easy to apply and i love the special effect on my wall. It look so beautiful. Would really recommend to others.
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Nippon Paint Momento provide decorative, smooth, and long lasting surfaces. #htcmyxnipponpaintmomento #nipponpaintmy #paintallsurfaces #hometesterclubmy
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Nippon paint Momento Special Effect Paint is awesome.its my first time to use.easy apply and my family love it.
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Me and my husband love DIYing especially for our home. This is really easy for DIYers for us. Like you don't need to spend buckloads of money to get pretty sparkly feature walls. Would really recommend this to those who loves sparkles and all things glittery like me. #htcmyxnipponpaintmomento, #nipponpaintmy, #paintallsurfaces, #hometesterclubmy
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Very beautiful and spark my life. Sure will buy and suggest to others
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
colour richness but challenging to colour it with nice effect. i need someone with painting skill to complete this task,
  • 家庭测试 免费产品


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