Nestlé Mickey Ice Cream

4.3 5 0 105 105 这款米奇形状的冰淇淋是由美味的香草冰淇淋加上柔软的咸味焦糖酱制成,外面再涂上一层浓郁的牛奶巧克力,这将使它成为一款美味如画的美食!
Nestlé Mickey Ice Cream


mickey ice cream hype
instagrammable mickey-shaped ice cream and love the chocolate coat. just that the caramel is a lil too sweet for me.
Nestlé Mickey Ice Cream
Found the Ice cream taste ordinary. Sweetness wise is moderate, overall still acceptable with affordable price.
Sweet tooth delight
Sedap sangat and rasa vanilla tu memang tak main-main. Chocolate salutan pun sedap, tak tebal sangat dan tak nipis sangat. Just nice! Kena laa dengan harga!! Sedap.. worth to try.
Sedap sedap sedapp
Berbaloi sangat dengan harga. Manissssss , chocolate taste yg power.
It’s nice But quite a bit sweet It’s nice to try it
It is so soft and smooth
The portion is just nice for adults and kids. The chocolate is not every sweet and works really well with the creamy vanila. The only thing is the price is not really at average.
too sweet to handle
i love the smooth if the vanilla ice cream with salted caramel, but it's too sweet for me.. I might try it once in a blue moon, at least worth to try
My kid's favourite
Sedap dan murah. Anak happy, mama pun happy. Else its either this or magnum!
Quite delicious
Cute shape but not to my liking maybe. The taste quite okay for me but not favourite.
So creamy
The choc coating so creamy... I like. The vanilla creamy also
Sooo sweet
I like the sweet vanilla flavor inside. But the caramel makes it too sweet for me, but my husband loves it so much that he'll buy this every week. Kids don't like.
Amazed with the taste
It’s really cute ! The chocolate coated with salted caramel is really good combination. The outer chocolate part is literally very rich. It’s taste like the Mc Donalds’s choco top. The inner part of the salted caramel is sooooo sweet that melts in your mouth during hot day is so damn good.
Antara karamel aiskrim terbaik
Kagum dengan keunikan rasa aiskrim karamel Mickey mouse ini. Gabungan salutan coklat di luar dengan vanila karamel di dalam memang terbaik. Enak untuk dinikmati seisi keluarga.
sweet and nice
saya sangat suka kan rasa aiskrim ni tidak terlalu manis dan sangat menarik untuk dimakan
taste good
my kids like the choco and vanilla flavor with cutie shape


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