Milo Dairy Free Almond

4.3 5 0 51 51 MILO Dairy Free Almond由植物成分制成,内含杏仁和大豆蛋白,且不含胆固醇,是最新的非乳制品MILO产品。它从植物身上提取了能够滋养您身心的MILO能量。
Milo Dairy Free Almond


Prompt delivery. The product itself is good. Taste slight different from normal Milo, still my family enjoy it.
So good
I love both milo and almond so these two combinations never go wrong, I love this the most out of all milo products
Minuman penuh nutrisi pelbagai rasa
Dapat tester daripada goodies program secara Maya nutrition. Minum sejuk memang sedap, Rasa almond terasa sangat. Saya Suka sebab manis memang cukup Dan Rasa Milo tu pekat. Overall memang sedap. Anak- anak pun suka. Terima kasih.
milo sedap lazat
Milo versi sihat. Sebab less in everything, tak berlemak, tak manis. is good
sesuai untuk yang nak diet
i prefer the normal milo. yang ini bagi saya x sedap. rasa tak berlemak dan tak manis. kalau yang on diet atau alah susu boleh cuba.
Milo Versi Sihat
Milo versi sihat. Sebab less in everything, tak berlemak, tak manis.
Taste the almond
Okay laaa. Not bad. Taste the almond but not too rich in flavour. Tak manis. The flavour of Milo is there.
Not enough Milo taste
At first taste, this drink really does not have the signature chocolatey taste of Milo. The almond milk is okay though. Just need more chocolate
It is you
The taste is good. I like almond and almond drinks. Not too sweet.
Lactose Intolerance. This is for you.
Don’t ever compare this to original Milo flavour, totally different. This taste less sweet, less creamy. Taste healthier, I think suits best to those on diet. I like this, cheapest almond milk comprared to other brand. I have no constipation having this.
Milo Almond Milk
This was not my favourite drink as I am used to the creaminess of the regular Milo, however, it is very nice that there is an option for lactose sensitive people.
Tak sangka sedap
Rasa macam milo perisa kacang. Tak sangka rasa dia sedap. Rasa light & sesuai untuk orang yang tak boleh minum susu lembu. Tak sakit perut lepas minum, tak macam kalau minum milo biasa. Kurang manis, rasa ringan. Rasa berlemak susu tu ada, tapi tak lekat di tekak
love the taste
not so sweet, very tasty and my kids love it
Gabungan badam dan milo yang enak
Saya sukakan milo badam ni, ada rasa nutty yang tak berapa kuat sangat dan rasa sedikit manis
Taste ok
Taste ok. But too sweet. The combination are okayz
