Knorr Chicken Cube

4.8 5 0 273 273 Knorr在⻢来西亚推出了⾸款铁强化鸡精块,Knorr提供了您的每⽇铁质摄取量,仍可尝到绝美的味道。 <br> <br> Knorr鸡精块含铁,是能量产⽣和⼤脑发育的关键营养素,适合⼈⽣的所有阶段。 采⽤真材实料和鸡⾁烹煮 4 ⼩时,助您提升菜肴⻛味,连厨师也赞美。
Knorr Chicken Cube


Sedap,berperisa,mudah didapati
Kiub pati ayam knorr adalah pilihan keluarga saya dalam setiap masakan..kerana berperisa,sedap danudah didapati..
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bgus dan akan cube lg..
rase yg sesuai untuk diletakan dalam masakkan.dan cube yg sihat
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Tasty, Fantastic, Delicious
The taste is really authentic. Love the texture and it's so easy to make. Love it!
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Memudahkan dan menyedapkan
Chicken cube knorr sangat memudahkan saya semasa proses masak kerana saya tidak perlu tambah garan dan penyedap rasa lagi dalam masakan saya kerana hanya dengan satu kiub sahaja sudah membuatkan masakan itu cukup rasanya..terbaik
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It make food more delicious
It’s make the food more delicious and after consume I won’t feel thirsty.
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Recommended, enhance food flavor.
Recommended to enhance food flavor to the next level.
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Easy to use. But 2 cube only for 1 dish.
Easy to use, very convenient and 2 cube only for 1 dish.
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Produk yg serba boleh
Sy dh mencuba kiub pati ayam knorr dan yg pasti ianya sedap, mudah, harga yg berpatutan juga. Sy dah cuba masak menggunakan kiub pati ayam knorr, dan ianya menjadikan masakan sy lbh sedap, berperisa dan disukai oleh anak2 sy.. Sudah pasti sy akn bertukar kepada pati ayam knorr, trima ksh utk sample yg diberi..
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Great for soup and all kind dishes
Knorr Chicken Cube not only great to instantly Preparing a hot soup but also goes very well in most of the chinese dishes and thai dishes as well. It was rich, flavorful but it won't make us feeling thirsty. It make the dishes tasty, and eat one scoop after another. Thats surprisingly convenience to have it for my daily meal and children happy with it. Thanks for such a quality chicken cube!
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Knorr chicken cube sedap
Knorr chicken cube sedap,masakan jd sedap apabila ditambah knorr chicken cube,terutamanya sup ayam,naik aroma rasa ayam tu,
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SIMPLE AND EASY TQ so chosing me for this trial. It's help me for my daily routine as mom, wife or chef.. haha As a person who need helper for there routine they need something or someone to helps For me Knorr chicken cube helps me a lot, for my family daily menu. It's not only for nasi ayam, but this Knorr Chicken Cube can mix with lots of menu in these planet. You have to try for your self & family
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Make my dish more delicious and tasty
Adding as a little as one cube of knorr chicken will make my dish more delicious and tasty better enhance flavour in my food
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Great taste rich flavor!
Knorr chicken cube has Great taste and rich flavor! My family loves it ‼️
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Knorr Chicken Cube is convenient
Fast and easy for me like lazy and no time to cook
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A real taste of chicken
the cube helps me to make a real good taste chicken soup, will repurchase again
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