Fine Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee

4.2 5 0 280 280 Fine Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee专为马来西亚人的口感而配制。这款白咖啡有助于控制体重。含有藤黄提取物,包括HCA(羟基柠檬酸),有助于减少碳水化合物合成为脂肪。菊苣提取物中的膳食纤维有助于预防便秘。您可尽情享受香浓咖啡,而无需感到内疚。
Fine Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee


taste nice and smell good
It tastes nice and aroma is nice. After drink for 15days, my body weight is reduced
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健康 减重瘦身
使用Fine Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee, 让我减少摄取糖份。从而改善了肤色和皮肤,人变得更精神。焕发如新。
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I love the bitterness.
This might not work that much on me but I'd definitely buy it again for the taste.
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I love the aroma of this premium white coffee.
The aroma of this Fine Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee is much better than the normal one. It taste just nice for me as it is not sweet and not bitter at all.
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Smooth white coffee with strong taste and aroma!
I like the coffee as it has a strong taste and aroma that helps to boost my morning routine. It is best to drink in a small cup and it has a richer taste! Will definitely recommend to my family and friends.
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Taste good, less sweet, energetic
Taste is better than other brand’s coffee as less sweet is suit for me and my family..
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smooth, less sweet, healthy
is a different coffee from the rest, less sweet which ideal for those coffee lovers yet looking for diet-coffee
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the taste & the aroma 🥰 Love it !! 😘
take it helps me for smooth bowel movement, helps to reduce my body weight & most important thing is.. the taste & the aroma 🥰 Love it !! 😘
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1 不甜不腻 2 带点儿苦的咖啡只有爱喝咖啡的人才知道 3 对于爱喝浓咖啡或黑咖啡的你,这不是你选择 4 清淡口味的你是个不错的选择
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Taste Smooth and nice, like it so much...
The taste is nice and found my weight really controlled well Maybe improve the packaging design...
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it have a nice taste but yet very smooth on drinking it.
the taste of the Fine Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee is very nice yet with the nice smell of it..
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高级~ 香醇~ 顺畅
Really unbelievable that the premium Coffee come with the dietary fiber which can help in prevent constipation. I can now enjoy the Coffee and at the same time keep my body fit! Love it!
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good for health and good for body
This Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee can reduce calories and help to boost energy and alertness. I will recommand to my family and friend.
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Fine Japan Premium Svelte White Coffee 适合 LCHF & 断食 人群喝
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I’m not a coffeeholic but started to like this coffee!
I’m not a coffeeholic but has started to like it after few days trial. I heard it can help to control weight as well..what a product!
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