Farmhouse Fresh Milk

4.6 5 0 369 369 Farmhouse Fresh Milk是100%由澳大利亚进口的鲜奶,拥有高品质和纯天然的口感。它在鲜奶类别中更是以优良品质而闻名,所以今天就去品尝一杯 Farmhouse Fresh Milk吧!
Farmhouse Fresh Milk


Fresh.. Yummy... Nice
My child love this fresh milk so much... One day must drink 2 time...he ready like this fresh milk..I tried it and thought it was delicious. . i have already bought this farmhouse fresh milk for my child...
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taste good, rich and love the thickness
i love the taste of farmhouse milk and it definitely taste better than any other brand of milk. i will switch from my current brand to farmhouse. love the thickness and rich milky. #htcmyxFarmhouse #NOTFromFrozenMilk #FarmhouseMalaysia #hometesterclubmy
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Creamy, wholesome, delicious
I loved how fresh and creamy Farm Fresh milk. It was perfect for cereal and oh so creamy. Creamy, delicious goodness! #htcmyxFarmhouse, #NOTFromFrozenMilk, #FarmhouseMalaysia, and #hometesterclubmy
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Nice taste, good quality and worth it.
The taste is really good and is fresh. Even though the price may be higher than usual milk price, but it worth that price.
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Segar penuh nikmat
Rasa yang berkrim dan segar . Isteri menambahkan didalam minuman kopi dan ternyata rasanya hebat. Anak anak pula menambahkan bijirin didalamnya ternyata tidak menghampakan . Terima kasih Farmhouse Malaysia dan Home Tester Club atas percubaan ini dan saya kini ada tambahan barangan tenusu yang boleh dipertimbangkan untuk kegunaan . #htcmyxFarmhouse #NOTFromFrozenMilk #FarmhouseMalaysia #hometesterclubmy
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Rasanya yang segar dan lazat
Rasanya yang segar dan sedap sangat menepati citarasa kami sekeluarga..farmfresh menjadi pilihan kami mulai sekarang. #htcmyxFarmhouse, #NOTFromFrozenMilk, #FarmhouseMalaysia, #hometesterclubmy
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creamy rich nice
really good to drink, my son love it so much and ask for more and more.
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Tastes good
We really love consume it together with breakfast cereal. But for me, the price tag is quite high. #htcmyxFarmhouse #NOTFromFrozenMilk #FarmhouseMalaysia #hometesterclubmy
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susu farmhouse memang terbaik
susu farmhouse sangat sedap rasa susu yang sangat lembut,bau wangi anak pun suka
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Rich, Fresh, Thick
The Farmhouse Fresh Milk taste real good with the rich and thick flavour of fresh milk, not creamy at all but bold taste of milk that lingers in your mouth even after drinking. #htcmyxFarmhouse, #NOTFromFrozenMilk, #FarmhouseMalaysia, and #hometesterclubmy
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Fresh Creamy Tasty
Ready and fresh for our family, anytime. It can be drink on its own, with cereal and add in the coffee/ tea. Creamy taste without unpleasant smell, my kid love it.
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sedap segar berkualiti
Susu Farmhouse Fresh Milk sangat sedap, tidak hamis, dan tidak mudah rosak atau basi, kami sekeluarga amat menyukai susu ini. #htcmyxFarmhouse, #NOTFromFrozenMilk, #FarmhouseMalaysia, dan #hometesterclubmy
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good for breakfast
Taste good, it is good to go with cereals as breakfast.
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Enak Berkhasiat Segar
Produk susu segar yang enak dan sesuai untuk dinikmati oleh seluruh keluarga. Rasa susu nya juga lazat.
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Creamy, fresh, tasty
Gaissss, serious sedap susu Farm House ni... susu Farm House ni lain dari yang lain dari segi rasanya yang mana ia mempunyai rasa yang tersendiri... susu memang banyak susu tapi susu Farm House ni rasanya segar macam baru lepas diperah gitu... bukan biasher-biasher tau... bukan susu yang telah dibekukan tetapi straight dipek selepas diperah... haaaa, boleh imagine tak kesegarannya?... hehehehe... korang boleh cuba nanti ya... weolls definitely akan letakkan susu Farm House dalam our groceries list... uolls should too tau... creamy, fresh and tasty gitu... susu Farm House yang berkhasiat ni boleh juga korang gunakan dalam masakan macam kari (pstttt, cubalah... sedap tau)... above all, this product is a HALAL certified product ya... worry not ya gaissss... let start our great week with a cup (or bowl) of deliciousness overloaded through the Farm House Fresh Milk be it either a cereal bowl or a cup of milk... #htcmyxFarmhouse #NOTFromFrozenMilk #FarmhouseMalaysia #hometesterclubmy
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