Farm Fresh Almond Milk

4.8 5 0 37 37 Farm Fresh Almond Milk采用澳大利亚进口杏仁,100%不含乳制品。UHT杏仁奶除了含钙量高,对肌肤也很有益处。
Farm Fresh Almond Milk


Good almond milk
The taste and smell of the almond is really good. Love the texture it’s not too think just nice to go with coffee and also with cereal if you want to substitute it than using real milk
Taste good and smooth.
I like consuming this almond milk as the taste is so smooth and rich. besides, it contains lots of calcium which help to strengthen bones. the price is super good and affordable.
Milk for vegan
Sesiapa antara korang yang ada alahan dengan susu lembu wajib try susu almond dari farm fresh ni. Saya tak pernah minum susu almond seumur hidup saya. Tapi selepas pertama kali cuba terus jatuh cinta. Susunya memang teksture tak sama dengan susu lembu, sebab teksture susu almond lebih ringan tapi surprisingly delicate, soft dan sangat sedap. Lemak kacang buatkan susu ni lebih special berbanding susu lembu. Sesuai untuk vegan dan yang sedang diet serta yang alahan susu lembu.
Rasa susu almond yang pekat
Boleh katakan susu almond dari brand farm fresh ni sedap banding brand lain, untuk penggemar plant based milk. Almond dia terasa tak kedekut punya. Ada bau wangi dari almond. Sesuai sangat minum sejuk.
Fav ni sangat sedap dan tak muak bila minum, anak2 pun suka
sedap dan x manis sangat
beli botol kecil. saja nak try, ingatkan x sedap dan tawar. sekali teguk dan rasa, sedap weh. x manis sangat
Nice taste
Now it hard to find it. Always sold out. One of the trusted brand. I love the taste. Can feel the almond and suitable for daily drink
Pure almond milk
No added sugar and suit for daily consumption whole family
my husband memang every week akan belikan I 3 jenis susu Farm Fresh. Almond, Premium Chocolate and Skinny Milk. 3 ni je I minum, I memang tak minum jenama lain, sebab nak bagi I minum susu susah, so dah try semua jenis susu, ni je boleh masuk tekak. Lagi pun I eczema, I dah try susu jenama lain, habis hancur tangan ni menggelupas, so I tak berani. So I stick dengan Farm Fresh ...
Tasty drink
Love to blend this in my replacements meal drinks. It’s suit well!
The taste of almond
The taste is so good. You can taste the almond in the milk . For me the flavour is nice and it was suitable for all age
Sedap sangat
rasa sedap dan lemak-lemak susu. tak manis sangat dan sesuai untuk seisi keluarga
Almond Milk
This is very nice to drink, not too sweet but still very creamy. Nice to drink alone or with another drink.
Love this
Our family favorite almond milk. Tasty and delicious to pair with shake
Almond milk
I had tried this product. It is a healthy drink which can mix with coffee or even make drinks. For the one who is like sweet it not suitable for you. But I really like farm fresh product


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