Dermatix® Ultra

4.6 5 0 162 162 您在寻找淡化疤痕的产品吗?特别推介 Dermatix® Ultra。经临床证明,能淡化、软化和平抚疤痕。 Dermatix® Ultra 结合了创新 CPX 硅胶技术和维生素 C 酯的抚平和软化功效。 这两种成分协同作用,可以淡化、软化和平抚疤痕。 这款产品不油腻且易于涂抹。 每次使用后,都会让皮肤留下柔软、丝滑的感觉。每天坚持使用两次以达到最佳效果。<br> <Br> <u>使用说明:</u><br> 1) 每天早晚使用 Dermatix® Ultra 各一次<br> 2) 用温和的肥皂和水清洁患处,拍干<br> 3) 取豌豆大小分量的凝胶于疤痕尖端,轻轻地均匀涂抹于患处。<br> 4) 待干后,可在Dermatix® Ultra 涂抹的位置上使用化妆品或涂上防晒霜<br> <br><br> <sup><i>欲了解更多信息,请登入</i></sup>
Dermatix® Ultra


Good Scars Remover
Dermatix® Ultra is a good product to fade my scars.
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Easy to use
Good for skin and remove sunscreen Better than the other product. It can get it in anywhere. Love the product so much thank you for the amazing product!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Super effective! I use at pimple scar, and within 2 weeks, it already gone!
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Dermatix Ultra
Dermatix Ultra is the best product for scars. It was totally worth it!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Scar improving,lightening&flattening
Awesome product. Been using for a month, post surgery scar getting improving, lightening and flattening
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Recommended My scar become faded.
After tried one week for this product, my scar became faded and smooth. Love it.
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Dermatix Ultra Review
It's easy to apply leaving non greasy feeling after. I noticed some improvement after applying diligently at about 3 weeks. Now my scar is much faded and boost my confidence level .
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Fast dry comfortable texture easy apply
Easy to apply comfortable texture and fast dry. But the portion is no enough for large scar, it might need to buy extra to apply it. Overall my tummy surgery scar seem like have getting diluted
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Review: ScarVanish Dermatix® Ultra
I've been using Dermatix® Ultra Serum for the past few weeks, and I must say I'm impressed with the results. As someone who has struggled with c section scars for years, finding a product that actually works has been a game-changer for me.
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Krim berkesan memudarkan parut
Saya telah gunakannya selama 4 minggu dan saya dapati ianya berkesan dalam memudarkan parut serta kulit lebih halus.
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Texture nya tidak cair.tidak menitik.mudah di pakai.Untuk parut yang nipis nampak perubahan selepas minggu ke 3..tetapi untuk parut yang tebal sedikit tiada pengurangan.saya rasa untuk parut yang tebal mungkin memerlukan lapan minggu ke sebulan untuk menampakkan hasil.Apa pun,saya sangat suka dan akan terus pakai Dermatix Ultra pada kesan parut ditangan saya untuk hari-hari dan mingu-minggu yang akan datang.
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Bagus, berkesan, cepat kering
Dermatix ultra terbukti dapat memudarkan parut dalam 4 minggu dan ianya sangat cepat meresap dan tidak melekit.
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It make a difference!
I have follow the instructions to apply it twice a day, I can see my scar become lighten after 2 weeks. This is a great product and I will continue to use it.
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  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Flattened scar and reduce itchy
First try for the product on my cesarean scar m. After apply it, the scar is not itchy like previously. Besides, my scar start to flatten after 4 weeks apply it. I would highly recommend this product for those having big scar or cesarean as it really help to lighten the scar
  • 家庭测试 免费产品


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