Dermatix® Ultra Kids

4.7 5 0 156 156 特别推介 Dermatix® Ultra Kids。这款疤痕护理产品经过临床验证,对儿童温和,可有效淡化、软化和平抚疤痕。 结合了创新CPX 硅胶技术和维生素 C 酯配方,进一步增强了其功效。 Dermatix® Ultra Kids 易于涂抹,且快速干燥。 每天坚持使用两次以达到最佳效果。<br> <br> <u>使用说明:</u><br> 1) 每天早晚使用 Dermatix® Ultra Kids 各一次<br> 2) 用温和的肥皂和水清洁患处,拍干<br> 3) 取豌豆大小分量的凝胶于疤痕尖端,轻轻地均匀涂抹于患处。<br> 4) 待干后,可在Dermatix® Ultra Kids 涂抹的位置上使用乳液或涂上防晒霜<br> <br> <i><sup>欲了解更多信息,请登入</i></sup>
Dermatix® Ultra Kids


Dermatix Ultra Kids
Dermatix Ultra Kids is good and safe for my lovely kids.
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Dermatix® Ultra Kids 非常好用 我孩子的脚严重的蚊子叮咬
淡化疤痕疗效比较好 我孩子的脚被蚊子叮咬严重自从涂了这个产品 第二个星期明显的变好了 非常适合小朋友
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sesuai untuk anak
krim lutsinar yang tak melekit, tiada bau yang kuat membuatkan anak tak sedar pun parut disapu gel. tahu-tahu parut dah pudar!
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Dermatix®️ Ultra Kids is the best cream
Dermatix®️ Ultra Kids really help to lighten scar on my baby’s leg.
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Gentle, Effective, Silicone-based
I recently tried Dermatix® Ultra Kids for my child, and I must say, it has exceeded my expectations. As a parent, finding a suitable scar treatment for kids can be challenging, but Dermatix® Ultra Kids proved to be a thoughtful solution.
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Dermatix for kids
I have tried dermatix for 4 weeks and it has helped to reduce to lighten the scars but it needed more time for the bigger scars
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Scar on the Skin faded
I'll using this dermatix Ultra to my kids and im impresed that the scars faded in two weeks
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Lightening scar
Dermatix Ultra kids effective in lightening, softening and flattening scars.It take abouts a month to see the results, abit slow but really can lightening the scar from my daughter's leg.
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speedy recovery for small wound
it really helps to dry up small wound and since it is a gel it doesnt leave any discomfort after applying it. fast absorbing to the skin.
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Saya suka Dermatix Ultra Kids..
Saya suka Dermatix Ultra Kids..bila apply pada skin cepat meresap, xmelekit, dan mudah digunakan..
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Segera mengurangkan parut
Pertama saya sukakan tekstur rasa yang tidak berminyak pada tangan saya ketika menyapu gel Dermatix Ultra Kids pada kulit anak saya. Perubahan berlaku apabila parut semakin pudar pada minggu ketiga penggunaan kerana parut pada kaki dan tangan anak saya agak teruk. Saya akan meneruskan penggunaan Dermatix pabila ianya sudah berada di pasaran. Sangat disarankan menggunakan Dermatix walaupun perubahan tidak bergitu cepat kerana faktor parut anak yang teruk.
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Dermatix® Ultra Kids
use on my kids 8 years old it do make bump on scar smoother and less noticeable. and i think 1 month is not enough to see full result. my kids scar still there but fade than before.
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Lighten scar and better appearance
Gentle to children skin and lighten, soften and flatten scar
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enhanced scar treatment
My daughter had to go throught a surgery which ended in a scar. It feel good, comfortable on the skin. Magically, scar almost lighter, softer and flatter in just 1 months.
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Jangan risau bekas luka pasti sembuh
Terbaik dematix... Selalu guna yang dewasa saja.. xsangka budak2 punya pun ada... Dapat2 try memang berkesan... Terbaik la.. tak payah risau dah lepas nie kalau anak2 main terjatuh luka... Sapu ja dermatix lepas luka kering. Datang dalam bentuk gel,sapu2 sampai kering, Dalam masa 2minggu boleh nampak perubahan bekas luka tu dah.Memang terbaik. Tq bagi saya Cuba..lepas nie saya akan rekemen pada adik beradik dan kawan2.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品


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