DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum

4.5 5 0 48 48 凭借独家Source Targeting<sup>TM</sup> Technology,DECORTÉ 修复皮肤损伤,通过刺激新细胞的再生防止衰老。 超轻质精华液提供持久保湿,能快速吸收,让您的肌肤整天保持水润,感觉清爽。 <br><br> DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum有助于减少细纹的出现,缩小毛孔,打造光滑年轻的肌肤。 <Br><br> 适合所有肤质。 <br><br> 使用说明:使用任何爽肤水或乳液之前, 早晚使用于洁净后的肌肤上,作为提升效果的第一步。
DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum


Rich Hydrating Serum
Upon applying the serum, my skin feels moisturized that I don't need to put on my moisturizer for the day, it absorbs well to my skin giving a smooth silky look. My skin looks radiant with lesser finer wrinkles. I absolutely love the texture of the serum that has some light fragrance that is just nice.
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Tidak Merengsakan Kulit
Bagi saya yang menghadapi masalah kulit sensitif, berjeragat dan skin barrier rosak akibat dari salah guna produk terdahulu pemilihan produk untuk muka seperti serum amat memerlukan ketelitian untuk mengelakkan kerengsaan kulit, menjadikan masalah semakin teruk. Selepas 14 hari mencuba DECORTÉ serum, saya dapati produk ini amat selamat untuk kulit sensitif dan rosak. Ia langsung tidak merengsakan kulit, lembut dan sejuk pada kulit. Tiada rasa terbakar/ kemerahan. Saya dapati ia memperbaiki kerosakan kulit dan kesan penuaan yang sebelum ini sangat jelas. Serum ini memberikan kelembapan pada kulit dan menyerap. Serum didapati mengurangkan penampilan kedutan dan kulit lebih licin lembut selepas 3 hari pengunaan. Kulit saya yang sedia ada bermasalah jeragat kelihatan semakin cerah, lebih baik dari sebelumnya walaupun tidak hilang secara total. Kulit rosak, bukan boleh dipulihkan dalam masa singkat. Saya akan teruskan pengunaan serum ini untuk kesan yang lebih baik.
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Hydrating Repair Serum
My face condition improved by the intense hydration result from the serum usage. The moisture feeling feels so easy on my skin & glowing effect was so obvious after 1st week.
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DECORTE Liposome Advanced
Feel my skin smooths and hydrated skin. It easy to apply and fine texture
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细纹明显减少了 肌肤明显得到保湿 上脸的效果很好 感觉不黏稠 敏感肌肤也很友善 绝对会推广给身边的家人与闺蜜
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Effective serum for daily use
The pores on my cheek get finer and my face stays hydrated better.
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Best serum ever !
This is my first time trying this serum , it’s moisturizing , won’t feel oily and the most important thing is it makes my skin glowing and I find it quite effective for skin repairing as well , my skin looks smoother than before .
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Fast absorb, non oily, nice
I really like this serum! It’s light and non oily, once applied I can feel is absorbed into my skin well, I use it daily for 2 weeks, I can feel my pores is smaller and skin is so smooth after use. Besides, the scene is so nice and not too strong too. Definitely will recommend to my friends!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
It helps to soothe and clam my sensitive skin and also moisturising. The texture of serum non-sticky and no artificial aromatic smell.
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Hydrate my skin.
My skin feels hydrated and it lessen a bit my wrinkle. It is easy to apply and really absorbent to skin though need to wait awhile before applying moisturizer on top of it. It also glow up my dull skin abit though not do much to reduce my stubborn acne scar. Recommended for women above 30 years that have dry skin or wrinkle problem.
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Serum yang sangat best
Serum DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair ni sangatlah best. Sebabnye, serum ni dapat baiki kulit kita yang rosak dan lindungi kulit daripada kesan penuaan. Serum ni juga, dapat bantu mengurangkan penampilan kedutan dab liang² pori yang mana membuatkan kulit kita macam orang muda gitu. Serum ni sangat²lah terbaik sebab ianya membuatkan kulit kita lembap dan segar seharian wei. Cara pakai pun senang, lepas cuci muka, picit je serum ni 2-3picit, pastu sapu kat muka biar rata. Pakai 2 kali jer sehari.
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Melembap. Menghidrat. Menganjal
Setelah penggunaan DECORTE Liposome Advanced Serum selama 14 hari, saya mendapati kulit wajah saya semakin lembap dan terasa anjal. Serum ini langsung tidak melekit dan ianya meresap ke dalam kulit dengan pantas dan berkesan. Kulit wajah saya yang dulunya agak kering dan kusam kini semakin terhidrat dan berseri. Saya amat berpuashati dan berterima kasih kepada DECORTE Liposome Advanced Serum kerana memberi peluang saya mencuba produk yang menakjubkan ini.
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Brighter and firm
In just 2 weeks, skin is brighter and softer. Easy to apply with design of bottle.
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Awesome Serum that I ever get!
The serum is truly good. It is high concentration serum but is soft and fine texture which adds moisture to my skin, absorbs quickly into my skin and feels non-sticky. After using 14 days of continuous use during daytime and night time, it reduces dullness, fine lines and my skin feels more hydrated. Importantly the smell of the serum like scented flower or berry fruity. Love it!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Comfortable and lightweight
I love how the Decorte serum absorbs easily into my skin. There was non sticky and after a few minutes left my skin feels like bare skin and moisturise . Being lightweight, it layers well with other skincare and really sooth and calm my sensitive skin.
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