
4.6 5 0 327 327 Ceradan<sup>®</sup> 采用神经酰胺为主的配方,按3:1:1比例配制,有助于重建皮肤的保护屏障,防止干燥、瘙痒和过敏。此低敏系列不含 SLS/SLES、对羟基苯甲酸酯、羊毛脂、色素和香料,适合所有年龄,包括 0 个月及以上。


Yessss,i like it. recommended sangattt.
Yessss i like it.sesuai untuk kulit anak saya.masalah kulit kering dan gatal gatal akibat kulit kering anak saya dapat diatasi.kulit anak saya pon makin lembut.tq ceradan.memang recommended sangat sangat.saya sukakan nyer.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
I like Ceradan for keeping me moisturize
It is greatly recommended for anyone with sensitive skin. I believe that I am making the right choice after testing the trial product and will keep on using it for my toddler.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Moisture for dry skin
This product really helpful to my dry skin, It fast absorb, I doesn't feel my skin dry after apply it. My skin become moist after using this product.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
ceradan membuat kulit saya lembut
ceradan membuat kulit saya lembut seperti kulit bayi.kesan kulit kasar macam sisik ikan sudah hilang dengan penggunaan nya.terima kasih ceradan
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Melembapkan kulit anda
Kulit menjadi lembap dan tidak berminyak selepas menggunakan ceradan.tidak menyebabkan jerawat timbul.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
用后不像介绍的那么有效果.. 可能对不敏感的肌肤有效..感觉不到有补水的效果.lotion也是涂了有油腻的感觉不是很气爽.lotion 用了是有点感觉补水.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
soft and gentle to skin
soft and gentle to skin to soothe skin, providing hydration and nourishmenr to skin
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
ceradan terbaik utk sensitive skin
sebelum ni i ada masalah kulit muka yang sangat sensitif.. bila tersalah produk akan naik jerawat atau kulit jadi pedih dan gatal. So bila HTC adakan tester untuk sensitif skin i try apply.. And yes! ceradan memang skincare terbaik yang i pernah jumpa untuk skin i.. kulit jadi moist, jerawat pun susah nak naik, kulit i pun dah tak kusam lagi.. terima kasih HTC bagi i peluang untuk cuba produk ceradan.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Mebaiki, memulih dan menyihatkan kulit..
Produk paling terbaik untuk kulit kering, sangat berbeza dengan yang lain..rasa sangat puas hati..kalau la murah..nak beli bnyak hehe
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Ceradan leaves my skin soft and smooth.
Ceradan leaves my skin soft and smooth after every wash
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
home tested I will recommend for all
I love it so much this product is so good I will recommend all my friends and family
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Ceradan Gentle Cleanser and Moisturizer
I love Ceradan Cleanser and Moisturizer. After trying them both for 14 days, my skin feels moisturized and soft. I love the fact that it is safe to use for whole family, which means you can save more because you just need 1 brand. safe even for babies. The product has no fragrance and you can instantly feel your skin becomes soft. The texture of moisturizer is lightweight and non-greasy. Highly recommend this and definitely will repurchase
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Keeping your skin hydrated and moist!
After using Ceredan I noticed it kept my skin moistured throughout the day. I personally hate using products on myself because they usually leave a sticky and uncomfortable feeling afterwards but it didnt happen with Ceredan. Would repeat using it again for sure!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Good ceramide cream!
I love the fact that this cream is suitable from newborn so I can use for my baby & kids too. This cream is very lightweight and doesn't fell sticky at all after apply to skin.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
good for daily use for heathy skin
good for daily use for heathy skin and didnt hurt skin
  • 家庭测试 免费产品

