Cadbury Dairy Milk Chipsmore!

4.5 5 0 80 80 还有什么比巧克力和饼干更好的组合呢?试试这种独特的风味和口感吧,它结合了Cadbury Dairy Milk和块状巧克力片的绝妙之处,现在就立刻入手Cadbury Dairy Milk Chispmore!
Cadbury Dairy Milk Chipsmore!


Cadbury dairy milk chip more
Saya suka Cadbury dairy milk kalau yg chip more ni ok dengan mulut saya . cholate dia rasa lain sebab Ade crispy manis sesuai yg nak bagi hadiah atau nak hilang kan mood biasa lah perempuan yg suka makan atau budak kecik lelaki PON Ade makan
Combination of chocolate and chips more will never go wrong. As someone who having a sweet tooth , yup, this is perfect.
sweet of cookies and chocolate
I love it since it chocolate and cookies in one. Would try again .Worth purchase. Sweet taste.
Combination yang sedap
Cadbury always be my favourite and this combination really good. Rasa crunchy chipmore balance dengan kepadatan cadbury
The best combination
Sedap gila coklat cadbury bila digahungkan dengan biskut chipsmore ni, bila gigit ada biskut memang sedap dinikmati.. anak-anak pun suka..
chipsmore cadbury
the combination is excellent, i love the crunchy taste when we eat the chocolate
Kombinasi menarik
Sebelum try tertanya2 sedap ke coklat campur chipsmore ni. Tapi bila dah rasa tu sedap. Saya suka perisa ni.
good combination
combination dengan biskut chips more memang terbaik. sedap wow. love sangat. sllu beli bar kecik dkt 7e
Loved cadbury
Great idea from cadbury but the chipsmore taste was overpowered by cadbury milky chocolate taste, i was expecting some crunch on each bite but nope, or nice touch but in the end tasted just like a regular chocolate
Tasty and crunchy
Love the combination of chipsmore and chocolate. The taste is so flavourful, and the chipsmore itself, very crunchy. Really recommended to those who love chocolate with a bite of crunchy!
Cadbury Dairy Milk Chispmore
unique experience of taste and textures with the new Cadbury Dairy Milk Chispmore
Crunchy chips
My kids love to bring this to school for snack..They like the chuncheness and the mix of choclate chips.
Sedap sangattt-sangattt !!
Coklat manis yang ngam sangat tekak! Tak terlalu manis & melt sekali dengan chipsmore
taste sweet
it taste a bit too sweet for me. this combination is good, at least it have something to bite which different from nut.
Nice combination
Mula-mula beli untuk cuba-cuba saja. Sekali sedap pulak. Sebab chipsmore tu ada rasa macam dark chocolate sikit, combine dengan Cadbury yang manis. Boleh la makan sekali sekala. Lagi sedap kalau dia lembut sikit, biarkan dalam room temperature sekejap baru makan. Kalau keras2 tak rasa apa. Lol


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