Batiste Dry Shampoo

4.5 5 0 12 12 发型不如人意? 别让它破坏您的心情! 喷洒这款干洗洗发水,感受小苍兰、晚香玉、牡丹混合着橙皮及温和香料的芬芳,呈现出最好的自己。
Batiste Dry Shampoo


Dry shampoo
This dry shampoo is okay if you’re rushing or can’t wash your hair for some reason. But for me, I find the scent too overwhelming. The pressure of the hair spray is quite strong that it tends to leave white chalky patches if you don’t move the spray fast enough to distribute it over your hair. I also find that this spray gives me really itchy scalp just hours after using it. Not looking forward to using it again because of that.
Confinement used
During my confinement period Chinese traditional not encouraged to wash hair upto 14-30 days. Dry shampoo is the only effective way to withstand this circumstances. I’ve tried before other china brand which is cheaper but not effective at all. Batiste is still my choice.
excellent product
quick and easy, product is perfect for on the go people
quick & convenient
best on days when you have no time for a quick wash, or just needed some volume. smells super nice too, best lifesaver after eating korean bbq or steamboat.
Best for travel without watery hair wash
Have you tried to bring this out for your travel trip? This is the best ever product without tedious hair wash with water and shampoo then dry it. With this dry shampoo, you just need to spray on your hair root, then started your fingertips to massage your head. After few minutes, dang dang will see the amazing results!!!
One of my favourites
It smells good and it works well. (you can smell before buy as some is just smells odd to me). Overall this has been the one that was the cheapest option.
Love this dry shampoo!
This product is useful while travelling but your hair need refreshing smell. Easy to apply without water! The shampoo smell so good.
it doesnt suit me
It's easy to use , it sprays well and is easy to comb out although, as is often the case, those with very dark hair found it left a chalky residue in places. Some also found the fragrance to be a little too overbearing
For trying sample
Moga dapat membantu ramai orang dengan adanya produk ini..
I'd definitely buy it again.
Great for lazy hair days as it makes my hair less oily. There's still the powdery white cast however not as much as other brands.
Batiste had come with several range of scent for its dry shampoo. I absolutely loved all the scent especially this blush range. It smells so sweet but not too overwhelming. It is easy to get as you can buy it at any drugstore. This dry shampoo helps me to get ready on busy day when I need a fast and fresh start. spray it on and massage a bit and I'm ready to go. Nevertheless, if you spray too much it will leave a white stain on your hair. So, you have to be a little careful when spraying.
Dry shampoo magic
Leaving my hair smooth and silky ! good to go. It really help for a busy career woman like me


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