Baby Carrie Head to Toe Gentle Wash

4.7 5 0 473 473 全新Baby Carrie Head to Toe 含有100%认证有机植物萃取精华,是格外安全、纯净&温和的婴儿护理用品。特别为新生婴儿的肌肤而配制,结合了有机杏仁油和小麦胚芽油,为宝宝娇嫩的肌肤提供额外保湿。它的特点是不流泪配方,低过敏。此产品经皮肤科和眼科医生测试,不含刺激性肥皂、邻苯二甲酸盐和其他有害成分如苯甲酸酯,MIT,着色剂和硫酸盐。 <p>为您宝宝提供纯净安全的呵护!
Baby Carrie Head to Toe Gentle Wash


Terbaik dan sangat sesuai
Saya sangat menyukai baby carrie head toe gentle. Selepas menggunakan kulit menjadi lembut dan sangat berbaur harum. Saya akan terus menggunakan produk ini untuk bayi saya.
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Sy amat sukakanya
Sgt sesuai utk kulit bayi Bau yg wangi Kesegarannya terasa
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Puas hati. akan menguna. Amat berkesan.
Setelah megunakan Carrie Head to Toe Gentle Wash saya amat berpuas hati... Dan pasti saya akan membelinya....
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Soft and moisturized
After use Baby Carrie Head to Toe Gentle Wash, my baby smells fresh and pleasant.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Refteshing safe to baby skin
Lembut selepas pertama kali penggunàan ke atas kulit bayi saya. Bau bayi saya sangat harum dan tak puas menciumnya dan yang paling pasti tiada bahan kimia digunakan. Dengan harga semua kebaikan ini apa anda perlu kata lagi untuk menolak menggunakannya?
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Ia sangat baik utk kulit baby
Lembut dan sangat wangi baik utk kulit baby... Kewangian dia kekal lama
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I like the smell during and after bath.
My baby skin feel so soft and no irritation. Definitely will consider to buy this wash.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Nice Moisture Soft
The smells are very nice, it feels very soft on baby skin, and my daughter love it too because she feel like a baby again. I love to see both of my child feels fresh after bath everyday.
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Fresh-smelling, clean and safe
I am happy that more brands are looking into manufacturing products that are as free of dangerous chemicals. More so for our little ones whose bodies are more delicate.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Fresh, soft and smell good
I like this Baby Carrie Head to Toe Gentle Wash because its really gentle to baby skin and the smell is very good. The price also is affordable
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Feel my baby skin so soft and moist.
Lets try and changed. Will definitely feel the different.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Pleasant, Safe, Gentle
Been using it for some time and my baby smell pleasant after using it and it protect my baby skin well. Will definitely buying it again!
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
really recommended for parents.
Really suit my kid's skin. Nice smell and makes my kid's skin soft and smooth. No more dry skin. Really recommended
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Fresh, smooth and gentle to skin
I like the smell after shower my baby and the feel of touch on my baby skin. Also, the ingredients make me feel worry free.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Organic, moisturise, no tears
Baby Carrie Head to Toe Gentle wash really perfect. I used for my baby. So nice smell. Moisturise my baby skin. No tears. The product really pure and safe for baby.
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