Au Fairy Bamboo Charcoal Cream Cleanser

4.5 5 0 270 270 这款洁面霜采用含有深层洁净成分的竹炭配制而成,适合油性肌肤的青少年。此洁面霜能深入清洁毛孔和死皮细胞,使肌肤柔滑细腻。用这款洁面霜,让肌肤变得更强健。 <br> <br> Home Tested的评论是代表他们13至17岁的青少年撰写的。
Au Fairy Bamboo Charcoal Cream Cleanser


Good, moisturize, super cleanser
Thank you so much that giving a chance for me to try it and I will buy the Fairy Bamboo Charcoal Cream Cleanser for future because it is nice for cleanser.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Cute, gentle, clean
At first I was attracted by the appearance of the au fairy bamboo charcoal cream cleanser because it was cute and attractive. I like the texture, smell and how refreshing and clean after my application.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
It’s good quality product.
It’s good for oily skin, hopefully they will maintain it’s quality in the long run.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Kulit cantik sekata
Ok..produk not bad. ..kulit muka menjadi semakin baik dn minyak pada muka terkawal..
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Sangat memuaskan hati
Sebelum ini kulit muka anak saya berjerawat halus dan berminyak.setelah mencuba Aku Dairy Bamboo Charcoal Cream Cleanser jerawat anak saya semakin berkurangan..
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Awesome, quality and fantastic
Au Fairy Bamboo charcoal cream cleanser adalah produk Yang terbaik untuk semua pengguna usia saya.cubala kesegarannya Dan kehebatannya anda pasti terpukau
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Moisture not over drying
Cleans deep the dirt and not over drying skin. Foamy and moisture after face cleansing
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Cerah berseri tidak berminyak
Kulit anak remaja saya makin cerah,kurang berminyak dan tiada lagi jerawat yg tumbuh
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
best dan muka menjadi lembut
Kulit muka menjadi lembut selepas menggunakan Au Fairy bamboo cleanser
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Not so much of oil control
The product is okay. It did not dry out my boy's face. At the same time, his face was still partially oily after his face wash. No excessive pimple outbreak after using the product. So, if someone with lesser oily face problem should try this.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
My skin feels smooth, no more oily skin, very recommended
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
cheaper, cute, and clean
the cleanser quite clean and oil control, but there are only for few hours, then acne less compare to use other product, so, this product still consider ok
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
matte finish skin
Skin stays non oily but my teen still nreds to use a normal cleanser to maintain moisture and supple skin. This cleanser definaly deep clense and gives a less oily skin
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
The cleanser so good to use 👍😀👌
The face wash is so good to use for female and male. Its don't have any side effect.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Best rasa segar lepas mencuci muka....
Best rasa kulit muka segar lembut selepas mencuci... Jerawat pun makin mengecut...
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