AptaGroTM Step 3

4.7 5 0 318 318 <b>全新面貌含最高DHA**!</b><br><br> 为您的孩子建立健壮的免疫基础极其重要。增强孩子的免疫力以打造强壮精明的起点。拥有超过40年的领先研究,AptaGro™ 备有ActiveDuoBio+™ :<br> <ul><li><b>含有10亿益生菌^ <i>B. breve</i> M-16V</b>,帮助提高体内益群</li> <li><b>独特益生元组合 GOS/lcFOS (9:1)</b></li> <li><b>最高含量DHA**</b>,有助于符合国际专家的建议<sup>+</sup></li></ul><br> For a Stronger Immunity Smarter Future.<br><br> <small>^每100g 奶粉含有十亿 (1 x 10<sup>9</sup> cfu) 益生菌。<br> **每100g AptaGro 含101mg DHA,在马来西亚所有牛奶成长奶粉品牌中排名最高。以2021年4月为准。<br> <sup>+</sup>Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2010). Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition: Report of an expert consultation. FAQ Food and Nutrition Paper 91. Rome. </small>
AptaGro<sup>TM</sup> Step 3


Ideal Reliable Product
It is an ideal and perfect product that provide all the nutritions needed during my child's growth development.
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Trustable, Healthier, Good Reviews.
I've tried many brands before and my daughter loves this brand the most. It provides important nutrients such as Vitamin A, C & D which is what I'm searching for.
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Prebiotics, Probiotic, high DHA level
loves how Aptagro it’s formulated with Prebiotics and Probiotic, & high DHA level. It provides extra nutrients for my child.
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孩子的奶粉 棒!
我儿子试了 喜欢它的味道 便便也很漂亮 就不用很用力的去“谷”出来。 益生菌和益生元的组合 让我不用担心要另外补充
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Confidence in child's exploration!
The Prebiotics and Probiotics gives me the confidence to allow my child to explore further, which is an important part of a child's learning and development.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
nutrition, price reasonable, nice taste
This will helps to support my child learning fast, also support my child the daily nutrition.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
good for health
The nutrition in AptaGro step3 are very for good our children
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Bagus terbaik sedap
Pada mulanya, anak saya sangkut2 susuan susu ini, setelah hari kedua, anak saya dapat membiasakan rasa susu Aptagro ini. Sedap katanya, dan saya berpuashati. Saya berkemungkinan akan bertukar kepada susu ini yang ternyata banyak kebaikannya walaupun harganya agak tinggi.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
choosen milk for the child
I believed that my child immune foundation had improved as the nutrients inside it. Besides, it also help the child learning and thinking process. My child like it alot, kept asking me to make her milk again. It's suitable for my child
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Sucrose-free resilience booster
My child is 2yrs 8months old. After testing AptaGro Step 3 for 14 days, the most obvious changes i see in my child is he poos very consistently : daily after every meals! I am happy with this good sign as he "detox" regularly. He is also fast learner now. Before he barely repeat the word we spoke, but now he will repeat our words -up to three words :D He accepts the milk as its taste is not very sweet (no sucrose). The only shortcoming of this product is that it contains no AA/ARA or nucleotides , which are consider essential nutrients in a child's growth. However, the DHA content in AptaGro is very high. As is the Taurine ! Suggest NUTRICIA to add in Vanilla Flavour to make it tastes more delightful.
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Kids love it
Firstly thanks to hometester for the sample.. Pada Mulanya saya tiada keyakinan pada aptagro, sebab bagi saya susu tepung yang mahal saja adalah terbaik untuk anak. Selepas anak sy minum, - beraknya lebih lembut dan tidak meneran sampai keluar air matanya - hampir setiap hari berak( seblmnya dua tiga hari baru sekali berak. Anak saya pun suka minum susu Aptagro.
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Good for my child Recomended
I believe that AptaGro step 3 is good quality and provide good nutrition that help to build my clid's body defense immune foundation and learning development, safe product for my child,helping my child to be one step a head Thank you AptaGro and Home Tester Club
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  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Affordable, cute, lovelt
So generously I got 4 packs to try, it is very cute packaging and trustful product from the main brand
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
AptaGro step 3 sangat sesuai dgn anak sy
AptaGro step 3 sesuai dengan anak saya. Anak saya sangat mengemarinya.
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