Aik Cheong 3 In 1 Hot Chocolate

4.8 5 0 47 47 This chocolate flavored beverage is deep and smooth, with a perfect balance of sweetness that isn’t overpowering. The creamy texture enhances the overall experience, making each sip comforting and satisfying.
Aik Cheong 3 In 1 Hot Chocolate


mom really loved it
ni first time minum air coklat ni.. tk expect pulak sedap. ingat nk beli vico mula2 tapi sbb dh habis try pulak yg ni sedap wehhh mak sampai suruh beli lagi untuk dia! sedap pin sedap pergh nice ah
aik cheong choc
i bought it when i was in college and wanted to drink something sweet during the night. i just bought 2 sachet only cause i thought its not that nice but turn out to be so good, i liked it and bought one pack after that.
Wajib try air coklat ni
Akak ofis beli air ni untuk pantry and saja je try tau air ni, surprisingly sedap sangat gais, minum time berais lagi sedap, korang wajib sngt try air ni setanding air yang tengah boikot tu gais
Aik Cheong 3in1 Chocolate
I tried this before when my friend gave it to me, honestly i didn't expect much about chocolate drink but when i tried it, its was so good and the scent are so good, its even good while its cold nor hot but in my opinion for my sensitive bud this is a bit too sweet for me but overall this is the best 3in1 drink i ever had
Rugi kalau tak cuba
nak sejuk nak panas jenama ni memang sedap rasa coklat yang tak pahit, kanak2 pun suka paling best semudah 123 nak bancuh kalau nak coklat shake pun lagi sedap paling best sebelum tidur buat hot coklat
A Sweet Indulgence
The Aik Cheong 3 in 1 Hot Chocolate offers a rich, indulgent chocolate flavor that satisfies sweet cravings. However, its sweetness level might be overwhelming and less ideal for those with an active, sporty lifestyle seeking healthier beverage options.
taste good
i like the choc taste feel like drink expensive drinks
Premium chocolate taste
I love it, its so rich, creamy. I love it hot. My child make smoothie with it.
Simple but good chocolate drinks
Rich chocolatey taste at affordable price. Totally my go to for chocolate drinks! You can drink it either hot or cold and add toppings for more indulgence taste.
Very pure chocolate taste with affordable price. Really love the rich chocolate taste of this drinks. Worth to buy.
Sedap, Mampu Milik & Berbaloi
Rasa air coklat yang sedap. Produk yang sangat murah, mampu milik oleh semua golongan rakyat dan berbaloi beli. Rasa premium setanding rasa produk air coklat yang diimport masuk dari luar negara!!!
Sedap & murah
Rasa coklat yang sedap. Murah dan berbaloi beli. Rasa premium setanding rasa coklat brand luar negara.
Rich Chocolate
It's creamy, rich, and satisfying instant beverage that’s easy to prepare by just adding hot water. Its balanced sweetness and smooth cocoa flavor make it a comforting choice for chocolate lovers. Conveniently packed in single-serving sachets, it's ideal for quick indulgence at home or on the go.
Aik Cheong Chocolate
Aik Cheong Hot Chocolate is a convenient and affordable option, offering a smooth, sweet cocoa flavor. It’s easy to prepare and delivers a creamy texture, though it may be too sweet for some. Overall, a solid choice for casual hot chocolate lovers.
Saya suka sangat dengan Aik Cheong 3-in-1 Chocolate! Rasa coklatnya sangat rich dan lemak, bila bancuh dengan air panas, dia jadi sangat smooth dan pekat. Tak terlalu manis, just nice untuk saya yang suka rasa coklat yang kaya. Sesuai sangat kalau nak minum pagi atau petang, memang bagi tenaga. Mudah sangat untuk disediakan, hanya tambah air panas je. Kalau nak rasa coklat yang sedap dan praktikal, saya rekomen Aik Cheong ni!
